“What did one leftover say to the other?”/“Foiled again!”

There’s a joke about leftovers:
Q: What did one leftover say to the other?
A: Foiled again!

“‘Foiled again!’ said leftover roast when it was popped back into the deep-freezer” was cited in 1965.
19 February 1965, Southern Illinoisan (Carbondale, IL), pg. 4, col. 7:
“Foiled again!” said leftover roast when it was popped back into the deep-freezer.
Google Books
A Riddle-iculous Rid-alphabet Book
By Ann Bishop
Chicago, IL: A. Whitman
Pg. ?:
What did one leftover say to the other?
Foiled again!
Google News Archive
30 March 1982, Milwaukee (WI) Sentinel, Alex Thien column, pt. 3, pg. 1, col. 2:
RAY BELL says try this on the little nippers. Ask them if they know what one leftover said to the other leftover when they were put in the refrigerator. They won’t know, of course, so tell them, “Foiled again.”
3 June 1982, The Globe and Mail (Toronto, ON), “Your morning smile,” pg. 1, col. 2:
“What did one leftover say to the other?”
“Foiled again.”
25 July 1982, Boston (MA) Herald American, “The Paul Sullivan,” Celebrity sec., pg. 4, col. 4:
TODAY’S BAD JOKE comes from the sage of UMass.-Boston, D. Leo Monaham, who asks: “What did one leftover say to the other…GIve up?...‘Foiled again.’”
3 September 1983, The Daily Register (Harrisburg, IL), “THe Farm Report” by Robert A. Edger, pg. 2, col. 1:
Question: What did one leftover say to the other?
Answer: Foiled again.
Google News Archive
30 January 1986, Monon (IN) News, “Points to Ponder” by Jack Hughes, pg. 9, col. 2:
What did one leftover say to the other? “Drats, foiled again!”
Google Groups: pun-ctilious
Foody puns
Vishwas S
5) What did the leftover say to his companion?
“Damn! Foiled again!”
Aaron Shepperd
“Foiled again!” - leftover baked potato
11:10 AM - 11 Dec 2015
As the leftover turkey said after it was wrapped up, “Foiled again.”
Time to talk #turkey, http://www.notjustr.com/2015/12/time-to-talk-turkey/
3:24 AM - 21 Dec 2015