“What did one device say to the other?”/“Are you syncing what I’m syncing?”

A tech joke is:
Q: What did the iPad say to the iPhone?
A: “Are you syncing what I’m syncing?”

The pun on “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” was cited on Twitter on January 28, 2010.
Wikipedia: Sync
Sync and synch are abbreviations of synchronization, the coordination of events to keep them in time.
Computing and information technology
. Sync (Unix), a command and a system call for Unix-like operating systems
. Synchronization (computer science), relates to similar principles of synchronization of processes or data
Yudi Redjowirono
HEY !, are you Syncing,, what i’m Syncing =D ?
6:29 PM - 28 Jan 2010
Ingvard the Terrible
What did the iPad say to the iPhone? “Are you syncing what I’m syncing?” #ThatWasUnforgivablyBad
9:27 PM - 22 Feb 2011
Amy Walters
@linziehunter what did one iphone say to the other iphone?
are you syncing what i’m syncing?
7:01 PM - 3 Mar 2011

“Are you syncing what I’m syncing?” - Laptop to iPhone
7:09 PM - 26 Jul 2012
I made a Tech Joke
submitted July 14, 2016 by AnnahSteal
Q: What did one device say to the other?
A: Are you syncing what I"m syncing?
Wes Schaeffer
Q: What did the iPhone say to the iPad?
A: Are you syncing what I’m syncing?
8:57 AM - 15 Jul 2016