Whaddya, Whaddya (Whaddaya, Whaddaya)

"Whaddya, whaddaya" (or "whaddaya, whaddaya") is supposedly a New York City saying, but it can also be found on The Sopranos television program.

It means "what do you?" and is an expression of disbelief.

February 18, 2005
New York, Your Second Home, My Ahhhh...
Whaddya, Whaddya
According to The New York Times (via Gothamist), New York City has filed an application to trademark the phrase, "The World's Second Home."

Gothamist asks -- could this possibly be the worst marketing slogan of all time?

Answer -- very probably, yes.

So whaddya, whaddya sayin'

John Heard and Annette Benning--whaddya whaddya already.

(Googe Groups)
... 19 - "Whaddya, whaddya!" 20 - "My plan was to kiss her with every lip on my face ..."
21 - "Consider this a divorce!" 22 - "It means...Luca Brasi sleeps with ...
rec.arts.movies - Aug 29 1992, 2:56 am by M.J.T. Bell - 1 message - 1 author

(Google Books)
Bonfire of the Vanities, Tom Wolfe . Farrar, Straus and Giroux; Updated edition (November 1, 1990) (first book publication 1987, first serial publication in Rolling Stone, 1984) pg. 35:
It was the primordial shrug of the New York streets, the look that said, "Egggh, whaddaya? Whaddaya want from me?"

(Google Books)
We're No Angels: A Screenplay (Paperback)
by David Mamet Grove/Atlantic; 1st ed edition (May 1, 1990) (movie released 1989) pg. 72:
JIM: Hell, whaddaya, whaddaya, Neddy. We're not going back.

(Google Books)
The Waste Lands (The Dark Tower, Book 3) by Stephen King on Page 172: Signet (September 1, 2003) (originally published 1991):
"Hey! Whaddaya-whaddaya?" the driver yelled, but Jake ignored him.

23 September 1990, New York Times, pg. H18:
"You've got a book written in new journalese," Mr. Sylbert said. "It's hyped
-- it has 'yow!' and 'whaddaya whaddaya whaddaya,' and it has these
larger-than-life cardboard figures, and it's there to offend everybody, and you cannot approach it like ordinary fiction meaning 'Chinatown.'"

19 October 1997, New York Times, "On Language" by William Safire, pg. 219:
New Yorkers, who once said, "What are you, crazy or something?" now shorten that to, Whaddya, whaddya?

16 November 1997, New York Times, "In Plainspoken English, America's Still Whopperjawed" by Joe Sharkey, pg. WK7:
New York City
Cawna Fish Treat (Corner of Fifth Street)
Gnome sane? (Do you know what I'm saying?)
Huh (Opposite of him)
Mel pew? (May I help you?)
Reg you la caw fee (Coffee with milk, no sugar)
Washda closendaws (Warning from subway conductor)
Whaddya, whaddya? (I'm dumbfounded by your audacity)