Westchester: Golden Apple (nickname)

Westchester County also got into the "Big Apple" act in the late 1970s, copying New York City with a "Golden Apple" campaign of its own. The nickname is still used, but does not have anywhere near the acceptance of "the Big Apple."

13 January 1979, New York (NY) Times, pg. 24:
Westchester, which has adopted the symbol of a golden apple in its efforts to lure new business, is the site of 35 corporate headquarters, including nine in the Fortune magazine list of the top 500 companies.

27 February 1979, New York (NY) Times, pg. C18 (advertising):
From the premier bedroom suburb of three decades ago bordering on the Big Apple, Westchester, the Golden Apple, has emerged as the new prime location for corporate America.

9 September 1979, New York (NY) Times, pg. WC2:
Sponsored by the Office of Economic Development, the "Golden Apple Expo II" - as county officials have named the exposition - will combine the displays of businesses in the county and those of towns and cities trying to get more.

6 July 1980, New York (NY) Times, pg. WC16:
However, she listed the following accomplishments so far in efforts by the "Golden Apple," the county's name for Westchester, to promote tourism:...