“We’re doomed—doomed, I tell you!”

“We’re doomed—doomed, I tell you!” is a clichéd line that might be told about a financial panic by a financial Dr. Doom. Joseph Conrad’s 1904 novel, Nostromo, contained the line, “He was doomed, I tell you!”
“We’re doomed — doomed, I tell you!” has been cited in print since at least 1938. The BBC television sitcom Dad’s Army (1968-1977) further popularized the old line.
Wikipedia: Private James Frazer
Private James Frazer is a fictional Home Guard platoon member and undertaker portrayed by John Laurie on the BBC television sitcom Dad’s Army (1968-1977—ed.).. He is noted for the phrase “we’re doomed!” and “Rubbish!”
A notoriously miserable and miserly soul, Frazer is known for his bleak, pessimistic outlook on life. In any situation where circumstances seem bleak for the platoon, he will never fail to find more reasons to feel doom. He will often find the time in the various predicaments that the platoon face to observe that their potential fate is “a terrible way to die”, to note that “we’re doomed” when peril is awaiting them or to regale the platoon with an anecdote of a much similar experience he is aware of that ended rather bleakly for all concerned.
Google Books
A Tale of the Seaboard

By Joseph Conrad
New York, NY: Harper & Brothers
Pg. 439:
“He was doomed, I tell you! Just as I myself am doomed — most probably.”
Google Books
Vesper Dramas
By Marcus Bach and William H Leach
New York, NY: Willett, Clark & Co.
Pg. 134:
We’re doomed — doomed, I tell you!
Google News Archive
31 July 1974, Daily News (Bowling Green, KY),  “Falling sky gathers no mold” by Ralph Novak, pg. 22, col. 6:
“These aren’t bright and shiny parts,” Chicken Little said with exasperation. “That’s mold. Can’t you see that the whole fabric of society—the whole warp and woof, so to speak is disintegrating beore your very eyes. Crime corruption, poverty pollution. We’re all doomed, I tell you, doomed.”
Google Books
The Perils of Lulu
By William Gleason
Woodstock, IL: The Dramatic Publishing Company
Pg. 19:
CAPTAIN (grabbing LULU). You lousy jinx. You brought all this down on us. We’re doomed, doomed I tell you.
Google Books
PCs for Dummies (11th edition)
By Dan Gookin
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Pg. 185:
Overpopulation! Vanishing resources! Global warming! Pestilence! Toxic waste! Hooligans! Environmental catastrophes! Democrats and Republicans! Soylent Green! Pollution! Noxious bovine gas! Combine soldiers! Intoxicated Hollywood starlets! We’re all doomed — doomed, I tell you!
Google Books
The Aargh to Zzzz of Parenting:
An Alternative Guide

By Joanna Simmons and Jay Curtis
London: Square Peg
Pg. ?:
You learn to silence the voices that say ‘we’re doomed, doomed I tell you’ as soon as you leave the front door, but they are always there threatening to pipe up.

Zero Hedge
Jacob Rothschild, John Paulson And George Soros Are All Betting That Financial Disaster Is Coming
Posted by: ilene
Post date: 08/21/2012 - 14:26
We’re doomed, doomed, I tell you.