Welfarian (someone on welfare)

A “Welfarian” (or “welfarian”) is a welfare recipient. “Welfarian” has been cited in print since at least 1978.
The term “Welfarian” a high-sounding name that is often used to illustrate a culture of welfare.
Google Books
What Makes You Think We Read the Bills?
By H. L. Richardson
Ottawa, IL: Caroline House Books
Pg. 108:
“I didn’t understand one word they said,” complained one of the productive Welfarians.
8 February 1992, Titusville (PA) Herald, “Open Line,” pg. 12, col. 1:
Where do they get all this money, this generation after generation of welfarians.
Google Groups: alt.sports.hockey.nhl.phila-flyers
Da Flyerz Rule
Male Colapse
On 10 May 2000 16:40:04 GMT, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Flyerz
Rule Yo) wrote:
- hide quoted text -
>No on can beat the Flyerz.  No on.  All you fans suck azz. 
>You isn’t real fanz anywayz
>All you fanzain’t nothing…....I know all Da Flyerz personally…...I had
>dinner with Eric Desjardins last night…..thatz da price I pay when I am rich,
>unlike all yous welfarians
>What the hell is a foodsnarfer anywayz?
>Flyers iz da bezt in da wezt baby!!!!!
Um, OK….......
Are welfarians like Rastafarians?
Google Books
New York Stories:
The Best of the City Section of the New York Times

Edited by Constance Rosenblum
New York, NY: New York University Press
Pg. 63:
I once thought Grapus would work for a place that could embrace outer-borough high school kids by day, punk rock fans by night, welfarians, student cops, extreme delivery bikers and the members of the National Arts Club, along with a bedpan alley of hospitals, the remains of cybercool, yupster high-rises, New York University dorms, landmark brownstones and all the requisite chocolate martini watering holes.
Urban Dictionary
Basically a person on welfare, a quick slang to use rather than say “susan is on welfare” you can say “susan is a welfarian”. Little more spicey and hot.
“That pauper is a welfarian”.
by JR Hollywood December 03, 2005
Merriam-Webster: The Open Dictionary—New Words & Slang
(noun) : a person who receives welfare benefits
Submitted by: Anonymous Jun. 08, 2011 17:06
The American Spectator
The checkout line isn’t what it used to be.
By Daniel J. Flynn – From the May 2013 issue
THE SHOPPER IN FRONT of me in the supermarket line the other night paid with two peculiar checks with the letters “WIC” prominently inscribed on them. The acronym, which denotes a welfare food-assistance program, stands for “Women, Infants, and Children.” He was none of the above.
Ernie Hopkins
#Obama Welcomes 100,000 #Welfarians https://www.lewrockwell.com/2015/09/tyler-durden/obama-welcomes-100000-more-refugee-welfarians/ … #liberty #refugees #war
7:54 PM - 21 Sep 2015