“Welcome to Texas—Now Go Home” & “Beautify Texas—Put a Yankee on a Bus” (bumper stickers)

There are several Texas bumper stickers that have been popular for several decades. Many of the bumper sticker sayings may have been coined in the 1970s and 1980s by Allied Printing of Dallas, as the below article indicates.
17 February 1984, Los Angeles Times, pg. F33:
Hug Your Bumper Sticker Today
Dallas Printer Turns Out 25 Million of Them a Year
By LESLIE POUND, Dallas Morning News
“They’re traveling billboards,” says Ray Stein, president of Allied Printing, a Dallas sticker manufacturer.
They’re also not particularly hospitable (“Welcome to Texas—Now Go Home”),...
“Love New York? Take I-30 East.”
“Native Texan.”
“Keep Texas Beautiful: Put a Yankee on a Bus.”