“Welcome to New York. Duck, Mother Fucker!”

“Welcome to New York. Duck, Mother Fucker!”—along with the picture of a handgun—has been printed on many T-shirts. “I break the ice by presenting him with a New York souvenir — a T-shirt imprinted with a photograph of a handgun and the slogan, ‘Welcome to New York — now duck motherfucker!’” was cited in print in 1999.
“Welcome to New York. Now get out!” is another T-shirt saying.
FRIDAY, SEP 24, 1999 12:00 PM EDT
Kris Kristofferson
The Great Gravel-Voiced One talks of films, beautiful actresses, the importance of Dylan and chillin’ with the Sandinistas.

I break the ice by presenting him with a New York souvenir — a T-shirt imprinted with a photograph of a handgun and the slogan, “Welcome to New York — now duck motherfucker!”
Google Books
Sleeps Never That City
By Gabriel Leif Bellman
Xlibris (Xlibris.com)
Pg. 205:
I walk around the village looking at shirts of New York. They say: “Welcome to New York, Now Duck Asshole!”
Maybe I’ll send my mom one of these special shirts for Christmas, if I can find one that’s a hundred percent cotton.
New York magazine
Google Books
New York
Volume 39
3 April 2006
Pg. 32:
He wears a WELCOME TO NEW YORK, DUCK MOTHERFUCKER T-shirt perhaps with some degree of irony, but perhaps not.
Google Books
The Compleat Motherfucker:
A History of the Mother of All Dirty Words

By Jim Dawson
Los Angeles, CA: Feral House
Pg. ?:
“Welcome to New York—now duck, motherfucker!”
Village Voice (New York, NY)
New York Fails to Make Most Dangerous State, City Lists
By Roy Edroso Mon., Mar. 23 2009 at 12:41 PM
But about.com does list New York as one of the most dangerous states for lightning-related injuries. Ha! Get out your Welcome to New York Duck Motherfucker t-shirt, homes. We’re still bad, if you don’t take proper precautions in a storm.
Brian Heater
Some days I want to buy one of those “Welcome to New York MF, Now Duck” shirts and stand at the airport like a PSA. A hilarious PSA.
4:22 PM - 3 Sep 2009
Danielle LeFresh
Tshirt: “Welcome to New York. Duck Mother Fucker” http://lockerz.com/s/112408783
10:23 PM - 19 Jun 2011
I’m thinking the guy with the Welcome to New York, Duck Motherfucker handgun t-shirt may not be an official tourism rep. goo.gl/GYlQN
12:49 PM - 3 Aug 2011
Geek Girl Diva
Now here’s a shirt to wear to the emergency room. It says “Welcome to New York. Duck Motherfucker”. Classy.
12:34 AM - 2 Jul 2013
@emilylhauser Remember those old T-shirts they sold on Times Sq? “Welcome to New York. Now duck.” They should have those in Chicago now. :(
8:01 PM - 7 May 2014