“Welcome to Howdy Arabia, home of Y’all Qaeda”

“Howdy Arabia” (howdy + Saudi Arabia) has been printed on many images. Both Texas and Saudi Arabia have oil, and also fundamentalist religious beliefs. “Howdy Arabia” can refer to a bit of Texas in Saudi Arabia, or more usually a bit of Saudi Arabia in Texas.
“Howdy Arabia. thats what IM talkin bout” was posted on X/Twitter by Uncle Ron on October 8, 2009. “New name for Texas: Howdy Arabia” was posted on X/Twitter by Conor Ryan on February 28, 2016. “Texas should secede and call itself ‘Howdy Arabia’” was posted on X/Twitter by Chaimy4life on November 6, 2017.  “Howdy Arabia A sarcastic way of referring to the ultra conservative southern American culture that is highly Islamophobic and xenophobic while ironically sharing a lot of values with Islamic fundamentalism, such as curtailing the rights of women and LGBTQ people” was entered in the Urban Dictionary on November 9, 2020.
“TEXAS = HOWDY ARABIA, HOME OF Y’ALL QAEDA” was posted on Facebook by Scott Gilbert on July 27, 2022. “Texas = ‘Howdy Arabia’; home of Y’all Qaeda, Vanilla ISIS, and Yeehawdists” was posted on Facebook by Jeff Martin on July 29, 2022. “Welcome to Howdy Arabia, home of Y’all Qaeda” was posted on X/Twitter by Interrobanged on August 25, 2022.
“Just saw someone on Reddit refer to Texas as ‘Howdy Arabia’ and I am absolutely exhausted by how accurate that is” was posted on X/Twitter by Renfamous ⭐️ on July 13, 2022. “I just heard someone refer to Texas as ‘Howdy Arabia’ and I still haven’t stopped laughing” was posted on X/Twitter by Destry on February 19, 2024.
Uncle Ron
Howdy Arabia. thats what IM talkin bout
10:55 AM · Oct 8, 2009
Paul Fung
Where does the Riyadh Cowboy live? Howdy Arabia.
12:12 PM · Mar 22, 2010
Clayton Hove
If the US ever takes over Saudi Arabia, we should rename it Howdy Arabia.
7:48 AM · Oct 13, 2011
Sush Reddy
@reganmct Tell me what you think of my new idea: move to the Middle East, open a cowboy bar, name it “Howdy Arabia”...feasible??
12:12 PM · Oct 14, 2013
Taylor Mason
Texas oil magnates Halliburton and Baker-Hughes are merging. The company’s new name: HOWDY ARABIA
9:54 AM · Feb 12, 2015
Jetpack DUI
Sitcom idea: A Texas oil man has to move his family to the middle east for work. Call it “Howdy Arabia.”
2:37 PM · Feb 7, 2016
Conor Ryan
New name for Texas: Howdy Arabia
5:51 PM · Feb 28, 2016
Chaimy4life aka Red Menace aka the Ginger Ninja
Texas should secede and call itself “Howdy Arabia”
7:05 PM · Nov 6, 2017
Free ASMR Ideas
ASMR: Howdy Arabia has been funneling arms and money to Y’all’Qaeda and the Talibain’t for use in Yeehad
9:27 AM · Apr 4, 2019
Posted by u/HerbyDragons May 19, 2019
Flag of Howdy Arabia
(The flag shows a cowboy hat and a handgun.—ed.)
Scott Adams
“Howdy Arabia” and “Y’all Qaeda” are indeed two comedic gems seen here!
Trae Crowder
Nov 5, 2020
I for one would like to formally thank black people for doing everything in their power to keep this country from becoming Howdy Arabia.
11:19 PM · Nov 5, 2020
Urban Dictionary
Howdy Arabia
A sarcastic way of referring to the ultra conservative southern American culture that is highly Islamophobic and xenophobic while ironically sharing a lot of values with Islamic fundamentalism, such as curtailing the rights of women and LGBTQ people.
It would be nice if women could be trusted to make their own choices for their own bodies, but that’s not how it works here in Howdy Arabia.
by CommonSpring November 9, 2020
from now on calling texas Howdy Arabia
3:58 PM · Feb 2, 2021
Bill Hangley Jr
Texas: Howdy Arabia https://t.co/BBLRa8c88w
12:19 AM · Aug 16, 2021
Google Groups: political-euwetopia
Fritz the Cat420
Sep 8, 2021, 1:35:26 PM
Texas is now Howdy Arabia.
Scott H. Sullivan
Say someone refer to Texas as Howdy Arabia because of the abortion law and I’m dying.
8:34 AM · Sep 3, 2021
“Howdy Arabia” #Texas
4:05 PM · Sep 4, 2021
Andre Delamare 🇳🇿🇺🇦🌊
I nominate Texas be renamed Howdy Arabia
6:00 PM · Sep 5, 2021
Douglas Ritz
“ I will now be referring to Texas as Howdy Arabia “
15 more states in 6 months.
1:15 PM · Sep 6, 2021
Renfamous ⭐️
Just saw someone on Reddit refer to Texas as “Howdy Arabia” and I am absolutely exhausted by how accurate that is.
11:19 AM · Jul 13, 2022
Scott Gilbert
July 27, 2022 at 10:41 PM
Jeff Martin
July 29, 2022 at 5:51 PM ·
Texas = “Howdy Arabia”; home of Y’all Qaeda, Vanilla ISIS, and Yeehawdists
America’s Best Pics and Videos
30 jul 2022
Just saw someone on Reddit refer to Texas as “Howdy Arabia” and I am absolutely exhausted by how accurate that is.
Welcome to Howdy Arabia, home of Y’all Qaeda.
So sick of Texas Republicans’ bullshit.
1:30 PM · Aug 25, 2022
Barbara Wolf Shousha, Ph.D.
I’m still laughing at some clever person who called Texas Howdy Arabia!
10:35 AM · Nov 17, 2022
Bishop Steiner is on Patreon, also that Blu Place
Texas if now known as Howdy Arabia, because their politicians, the Y’all-Qaeda, have been trying to return women, minorities and marginalized folk to sub Afghanistan levels of human rights.
4:19 PM · Nov 8, 2023
A guy on TT just called Texas, “Howdy Arabia” and I can’t breathe 😆😂
11:50 PM · Dec 14, 2023
I just heard someone refer to Texas as “Howdy Arabia” and I still haven’t stopped laughing.
9:15 PM · Feb 19, 2024