“We want a pitcher, not a glass of water”

“We want a pitcher, not a glass of water!” (a pun on the word “pitcher”) is a baseball chant that has long been popular in the Little League. The chant has been cited in print since at least 1968.
Google Books
Story: The Yearbook of Discovery
Edited by Whit Burnett and Hallie Burnett
New York, NY: Four Winds Press
Pg. 108:
We want a pitcher,
Not a glass of water.
6 April 1976, Morris (IL) Daily Herald, “Morris outslugs Hall 13-11,” pg. 6, col. 1:
“We want a pitcher—not a glass of water.”
27 October 1986, New Castle (PA) News, “Baylor Boston’s top cheerleader” by Mike Tully (UPI), pg. 17, col. 2:
Roger McDowell will be no match for “We want a pitcher, not a glass of water.”
Google Books
Latin for All Occasions
By Henry Beard
New York, NY: Gotham Books
Pg. ?:
We want a pitcher, not a glass of water!
Egemus iaculatore, non Iacchi latore!
Pittsburgh (PA) Tribune
He’s not a hitter, he’s a baby sitter!
By Tom Purcell
Sunday, May 27, 2007
We want a pitcher, not a glass of water!
Stop! A glass of water! You’re suggesting the pitcher is weak and unstable like some clear fluid• Do you have any idea how hard it is to throw a ball over the plate knowing the batter might hit a home run• How would that make you feel• No more water comments. Now play ball!
Straight Dope Message Board
What’s the Longest It’s Taken You to Get a Joke?
12-18-2008, 01:12 PM
I had a friend that didn’t get a kid’s Little League (kid’s baseball) ‘joke’ (taunt) until he was almost 40 years old.
In Little League, it was always held in high regard to taunt the other team. Once typical taunt was shouted to the opposing team’s pitcher: “We want a pitcher…not a glass of water”. Well, the play on words, obviously, is that the pitcher is just well, a glass… of water. Pitcher…glass…the glass being much less than a pitcher.
My buddy never got it. He didn’t get it until we were playing Wiffle Ball one day and someone expanded on the taunt and “CLICK” he got it. And he admitted it. We’d have never known.
harlem medic emeritu
.@barrypopik how’s about “we want a pitcher, not a glass of water”? at least 1950s..
12:17 PM - 18 Jul 2015