“We bust ours to kick yours” (sports saying)

“We bust ours to kick yours” (the word “asses” is implied, but omitted) is a popular high school sports saying that has been printed on many T-shirts. The saying has been used in many sports since at least 1993 and is of unknown authorship.
4 February 1993, St. Petersburg (FL) Times, “Patriots coping with death of junior varsity coach; Series: Wrestling” by Tony Green, local section, pg. 4:
City power: Dixie Hollins’ motto, pressed on T-shirts celebrating its city dual-meet championship last season, is simple: “We bust ours to kick yours.”
3 December 1993, York (PA) Daily Record, “Many wrestlers ran cross country for the Eagles”:
Not bad for a group of grapplers, who sported warmup shirts prior to their meets proclaiming “We bust ours to kick yours.”
17 October 1999, Dallas (TX) Morning News, “No Rivaling This: Arlington High-Martin volleyball clashes second to nine” by Brandon George:
They ran out wearing T-shirts that read, “Hey Martin,” on the front and, “We bust ours to kick yours” on the back.
swimming quotes anyone??
04-30-02, 08:21 PM
“we bust ours to kick yours”
George Spellwin’s Elite Fitness
Re: T-shirt slogan for gym
05-Jul-2005, 12:52 PM
we had to design slogans for our weightlifting competition team in highschool and I had the winning slogan that said “We bust ours, to kick yours”.
Marathoning Matters
February 05, 2009
Best Quotes About Running and the Marathon
“We bust ours, to kick yours.”
—High school team motto
All Out For Class Of 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
We Bust Ours To Smash Yours
Badminton, known to the world as the fastest racket sport. Known to me as a fun time to make fun of rival high schools. I myself have been playing since about ten years old. I enjoy the game that I look foward to practice after school and to have fun with the other players. My sophomore year was the first year I was on the Killian High School Team. The Motto that was all memorized was, “We Bust Ours To Smash Yours!!!” And it was true.
Pam Daugherty’s Running Blog
Funny Running Slogans!
Posted on August 17, 2010 by Pam Daugherty
My husband coaches the local high school cross-country team.  Every year the team picks out team shirts with a slogan on the tee-shirt. Here are a few of the funny slogans:
1.To play with us you gotta be good, to stay with us you gotta be tough, to bet us you gotta be kidding!
2.We bust ours to kick yours
Soccer Slogans & Soccer Sayings For Team Shirts
by Adam Levine on 03/12/2012 in Slogans & Sayings
We Bust Ours to Kick Yours