“We Are the People!” (1888-1889 champion baseball Giants)

The New York Giants won the National League championship in 1888 and again in 1889. The slogan, used and perhaps coined by Giants manager Jim Mutrie, was "We are the people!"

Some sources say the slogan was coined in 1886, before those two championship clubs.

A May 15, 2005 article in the New York Daily News has announced that the Democrats are trying to shed the donkey symbol (see that entry on this site). The Democrats' new theme might be "We are the people," like the "we, the people" that begins the U. S. constitution.

That recent New York article on "We are the people" failed to mention that it was a New York Giants slogan. Who knows history these days?

Dems' donkey no longer asset: Pros


Is the donkey out on its rump?

In a bid to breathe life back into the Democratic Party, Esquire magazine commissioned three leading advertising agencies to come up with a new look for the so-called party of the common man.
"We Are the People," written in calligraphy like the Constitution's, is positioned on top of the word "Democrats," which is rendered in a decidedly modern font.

"It harkens back to our Founding Fathers, so we wanted to stay away from marketing slogans and cliches such as the American flag," the firm wrote.

"By using the actual calligraphy of the Constitution and adding a single word to 'We the People,' we have 1788 meeting 2008," the next presidential election, the California firm wrote.

Originally published on May 15, 2005

Taxi Driver (1976) is director Martin Scorsese's and screenwriter Paul Schrader's gritty, disturbing, nightmarish modern film classic.
The outside of the campaign headquarters building is decorated with large red, white, and blue posters/signs: "Vote for Palantine," "We are the People," and "New Yorkers for Palantine for President."

30 October 1889, Washington Post, pg. 2:

The Giants, on Winning the World's Cham-
pionship, Renew Their Battle Cry.
At the conclusion of the game the spectators joined in the Giants' battle-cry: "We are the people." They then crowded around the big gong, and the noise that followed was deafening.

26 April 1897, Los Angeles Times, pg. 8:

New York Baseball Team Manager
Talks of "the Good Old Days."

James Mutrie of New York will be an interesting figure in baseball reminiscent history some day. A New York exchange talks as follows about him:

During a hotly-contested game of ball at the polo grounds, back in the eighties, manager James Mutrie sat on the players' bench and urged his team to "have some stomach." Freely translated, the expression used by the manager signified courage, and the players followed his advice and won the game after a close struggle. Thereupon Truthful James arose and, swinging the inseparable high hat in the air, shouted, "We are the people!

Thereafter that became the war cry of the Giants, and resounded about the polo grounds after many a glorious victory by the penant (sic) winners of 1888-89.
"Justthree grains of sand," was another of his expressions designed to instill determination into his warriors at a critical point of the game.

15 March 1932, New York Times, pg. 27:
Jim Mutrie, who coined the slogan, "We are the people!" was the manager.

15 August 1935, Sporting News, pg. 4, col. 2:
John Day, once the wealthy owner of the Giants, died in poverty, and Jim Mutrie, the proud manager who always referred to his Giants as "We are the people," subsists on a small pension paid him by the present owners of the New York National League club.

23 April 1942, Sporting News, pg. 4, col. 1:

FIFTY-SIX years ago, James Mutrie, manager of the New York Giants, minted a golden slogan which is more apt today than it was even in 1886. Standing in front of his ball club, making an appeal for public support in a day when the game was very much on trial, Mutrie announced proudly:


30 April 1942, Sporting News, pg. 14, col. 6:
"We Are the People!" Mutrie said. That still is the slogan of the major leagues - truer today than ever before - truer in wartime than ever in peace. "We Are the people!"

30 October 1946, Sporting News, pg. 46 photo caption:
NEW YORK GIANTS' National League and World's Champions of 8888 and 1889. Jim Mutrie, who coined the Giants' famous slogan of that period: "We are the people."

7 August 1957, Sporting News, pg. 8, col. 1:
Back in 1888, when the Giants, playing on he original Polo Grounds at Fifth avenue and West 110th street, won their first pennant, Jim Mutrie, who had given them their famous moniker, announced: "We are the people."

For all his benefices to New York baseball, blind Mutrie died a pauper in a ratty shack on Staten Island. As he passed out, Jim no longer was so sure his old Giants really were the people.

8 January 1961, New York Times, pg. S2:
Back in 1885, Jim Mutrie managed New York's National League entry in a "stovepipe" hat and a frock coat. He coined the phrase, "We are the people."