Watergate Salad

Entry in progress—B.P.
Watergate Cake is another food named after the Watergate scandal.
Wikipedia: Watergate scandal
The Watergate scandal was a major American political scandal that lasted from 1972 to 1974, following a burglary by five men of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C. on June 17, 1972, and President Richard Nixon’s subsequent attempt to cover up his administration’s involvement. After the five burglars were caught and the conspiracy was discovered—chiefly through the work of a few journalists, Congressional staffers and an election-finance watchdog official—Watergate was investigated by the United States Congress. Meanwhile, Nixon’s administration resisted its probes, which led to a constitutional crisis.
The term Watergate, by metonymy, has come to encompass an array of clandestine and often illegal activities undertaken by members of the Nixon administration.
Atlas Obscura—Gastro Obscura
Watergate Salad
This salad named after a scandal has been traced back to Kraft and Helen Keller.

By Reina Gattuso
The recipe for this sweet treat is simple: Combine Cool Whip, chopped pecans, mini marshmallows, canned pineapple, and dry pistachio pudding mix, then top with cherries and serve. While it’s popularly associated with Kraft’s instant pistachio pudding mix, which debuted in the mid-1970s, this may not have been a Kraft original. There were already popular brands of instant pistachio pudding on the market, and whipped topping–based fruit salads were an old standard by this time. Intriguingly, in 1925, Helen Keller even published a recipe for “Golden Gate salad,” a similar combination of cream, nuts, and pineapple, though it lacked the pistachio pudding.
Recipes for pistachio pudding salad appeared in newspapers in the early 1970s, but it wasn’t until 1975 that the dish took on the moniker “Watergate salad.”