Waffleize or Wafflize

To “waffleize” or “wafflize” something is to put it on a waffle. “16 welcome ways to waffle-ize all size appetites” was the title of a pamphlet that appears to have been printed in the 1920s. “The joy comes in being able to waffleize all sorts of things—corn bread, French toast, fried mush, muffin batter, shortcake, and even omelets” was cited in print in 1931.
A blog called Waffleizer was started in January 2010. “A cheese you can wafflize” was cited on the Food Republic blog on May 2, 2013.
OCLC WorldCat record
16 welcome ways to waffle-ize all size appetites
Author: San Diego Gas and Electric Company.
Publisher: [San Diego] : Home Service Department, San Diego Gas & Electric Company, [after 1926].
Edition/Format:   Book : English
13 February 1931, The Evening Tribune (San Diego, CA),  “Come Into The Kitchen” by Ella M. Lehr, features section, pg. 6, col. 3:
The waffle iron is, perhaps, most versatile, turning out not only good southern dainties, but the joy comes in being able to waffleize all sorts of things—corn bread, French toast, fried mush, muffin batter, shortcake, and even omelets.
20 March 1935, Mansfield (OH) News-Journal, pg. 16, col. 7:
Waffleize your toast by buttering bread and toasting it in your waffle iron at the table.
(Launched in January 2010—ed.)
Frequently asked questions
What is this blog about?

Waffleizer answers the question “Will it waffle?” — thereby expanding the frontiers of waffling. (In other words, this blog offers alternative recipes for your waffle iron.)
Proof Pudding
Waffleize It!
Written by The Proofmeister on January 11th, 2010
Here is a great new blog called the Waffleizer I think that the correct spelling should actually be wafflizer… but maybe that domain was taking?
The mission statement is: Waffleizer’s goal is to answer the question “Will it waffle?”  Preach on brothers!
Duh DoeBrain, BroDawg!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Will it Waffleize?
Found a blog on “waffelizing” food. It started in January. Sounds cool since I love cooking on my George Foreman grill so much, only this is in waffle shapes! I wonder what a pork steak looks like on a waffle iron.
31 March 2010, Chicago (IL) Tribune, Good Eating pg. 6:
No waffle batter allowed on local writer’s blog

By Lisa Futterman
Food Republic
This Waffle Is Made Of Cheese. Syrup Called. It Doesn’t Know What To Do.
Heat up that waffle iron, it’s breakfast time!

May 2, 2013 11:01 am
Leave it to DudeFoods, home of the butter-stuffed mashed potato bite, to create a waffle made entirely of cheese. Well it’s not exactly made out of cheese, it was cheese to begin with. A very special cheese. A cheese you can wafflize.