Wacktivist (wack + activist); Wacktivism

“Wacktivist” (wack + activist) describes someone who fights for a cause that one (the user of this term) does not believe in, or who fights for that cause using “wacky” tactics. “Wactivist” was cited in Spin magazine in January 1991. “wacktivist noun Origin: wacky + activist = wacktivist. A crazy person intensely involved in insane protest campaigns” was entered in the Urban Dictionary on February 5, 2004.
“Wacktivism” was posted on the newsgroup fa.fiction-of-philosophy on October 29, 2004.
January 1991, Spin (New York, NY), “Letters,” pg. 10, col. 3:
No, it sounds a lot more like Harry Allen, the hip hop wacktivist and media ass.
Don Charnas
New York, New York

Google Groups: alt.beer
Why pot will be leagalized    
The right wing puritan wacktivists will be against it but the politicians will do it anyway for political survival.
Google Groups: comp.software.year-2000
Sodom and Gomorrah
D. Scott Secor - Millennial Infarction Mitigator
LIBERAL WACKTIVIST ALERT:  WTF does a general lack of morality have to do with Christianity?
Urban Dictionary
noun Origin: wacky + activist = wacktivist. A crazy person intensely involved in insane protest campaigns.
Ane member of PETA or the Earth Liberation Front; most members of Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, the Sierra Club and other wacktivist organizations.
by Vandana Shiva February 05, 2004
Google Groups: fa.fiction-of-philosophy
more complaints
Ryan Whyte
I’m going to barf (re. dada I make exception for Meikal whose work I admire), nettime is equally conventionalized electronic wacktivism.
omg. i am getting dumber talking to a wacktivist. they trick you by sounding sane for the first 3 minutes! grrrr.
10:51 AM - 15 Oct 2007
⭐️Charles Muhammad ⭐️
‘Wacktivism or Wacktavism depending on your accent’ - #bcpq
1:46 PM - 22 Apr 2009
Thomas Keeley
Regardless of which side of the aisle your on, if you’re in the nonprofit space, you’re guaranteed to have “wacktivists” always fun.
10:06 AM - 2 Jun 2009
Rokey 🇺🇸
Replying to @therealroseanne
Activism?  More like wacktivism. #Lunatic
Go chase a chemtrail, you nutter.
8:41 PM - 30 May 2018
The Gateway Pundit
Animal Rights Wacktivists Stage Huge “DIE-IN” Protest In Portland (VIDEO)
by Brock Simmons September 2, 2018
Everyone’s favorite wacked out animal rights organization, Direct Action Everywhere, has now expanded to Portland (believe it or not, they didn’t actually start in Portland). With signs such as “UNTIL EVERY PIG IS FREE” and “UNTIL EVERY CAGE IS EMPTY”, these brave defenders of poultry and livestock took to the streets of Portland to march and protest for animal rights.