“Voting is the slave’s suggestion box”
“Voting is the slave’s suggestion box” (or “Voting is the suggestion box for/of slaves”) is an anti-voting saying that has been printed on many images. The various forms of the saying have been credited to YouTuber Stefan Molyneux.
“‘Democracy is simply a suggestion box for slaves.’ Stephan Molynux” was posted on Twitter by Rob Viglione on May 1, 2009. “Democracy is the suggestion box for slaves.’ ~Stefan Molyneux” was posted on Twitter on August 31, 2009.
“Voting is a suggestion box for a slave #liberty” was posted on Twitter by Geoff Needs Something To Do on July 28, 2010. Stefan Molyneux said on YouTube on October 25, 2010, “As I’ve said before and I’m sure I’ll say again, politics is a suggestion box for slaves. It never gets opened and it is only suggestions.” “‘The voting booth is the suggestion box for slaves.’ -Stefan Molyneux” was posted on Twitter by Pappa PEZ on October 28, 2010. “‘Voting is the suggestion box for slaves.’ - Stefan Molyneux” was posted on Twitter by heywho on October 30, 2010.
“Tuesday’s Shirt of the Day! Voting: The Slaves Suggestion Box. Choosing Masters Every Few Years Doesn’t Make You Free” was posted on Twitter by LibertyManiacs on November 2, 2010.
Wikipedia: Stefan Molyneux
Stefan Basil Molyneux (/stəˈfæn ˈmɒlɪnjuː/; born September 24, 1966) is a Canadian podcaster and YouTuber. Molyneux, a self-published author, usually speaks on topics including anarcho-capitalism, politics, relationships, race and intelligence, multiculturalism, libertarianism, anti-feminism, and familial relationships.
Rob Viglione
“Democracy is simply a suggestion box for slaves.” Stephan Molynux
11:36 PM - 1 May 2009
Jeremy 💚
RT: @andrewtaranto: “Democracy is the suggestion box for slaves.” ~Stefan Molyneux #anarchy // Stefan is great at these 1 liners!
9:41 AM - 31 Aug 2009
Geoff Needs Something To Do
Voting is a suggestion box for a slave #liberty
10:47 PM - 28 Jul 2010
The Idiocy of Politics
Stefan Molyneux
Published on Oct 25, 2010
Why no intelligent discussion can ever occur in the hellscape of politics…
“As I’ve said before and I’m sure I’ll say again, politics is a suggestion box for slaves. It never gets opened and it is only suggestions.”
Pappa PEZ
“The voting booth is the suggestion box for slaves.” -Stefan Molyneux http://is.gd/gp2Lb
3:56 PM - 28 Oct 2010
Flashy A.F.
Voting is a suggestion box for slaves. Stay home.
4:56 PM - 28 Oct 2010
#SadButTrue RT @dbudlov: “Voting is the suggestion box for slaves.” - Stefan Molyneux
1:28 PM - 30 Oct 2010
Jordan Fulghum
Voting: the Slaves Suggestion Box (pic) http://i.imgur.com/azUxW.jpg
8:42 AM - 2 Nov 2010
Tuesday’s Shirt of the Day!
Voting: The Slaves Suggestion Box. Choosing Masters Every Few Years Doesn’t Make You… http://fb.me/Kd5Ac15r
11:28 AM - 2 Nov 2010
Photo: Voting - The Slave’s Suggestion Box - Choosing new leaders every few years does not make you free! http://tumblr.com/xmtofa8z6
12:29 AM - 4 Nov 2010
Dr. Manhattan
@DylanRatigan Voting, is the ‘suggestion box’ for slaves.
1:15 AM - 7 Nov 2010
Google Groups: LibertarianSA
Democracy and voting
Stephen van Jaarsveldt
It it not a choice when you ask for a lollipop, but get handed a bogroll on the basis that most people want bogroll. Voting is simply the slave’s suggestion box and today a vast number of those suggestions will be systematically ignored.
Google Groups: LibertarianSA
Dollar vigilante by Jeff Berwick. you need to read this… your eyes are open but you still cant see
Lizzie Spowart
The Dollar Vigilante’s Year in Review
Instead of having a dictator, Egyptians may now have the “right” to choose their dictator every few years in elections. Voting, the slave’s suggestion box
14 January 2012, Daily Times (Salisbury, MD), “Grapevine,” pg. A8, col. 1:
What is the point of voting? Voting is just the slaves’ suggestion box. Choosing new masters every few years doesn’t make you free.
Democracy Is a Suggestion Box for Slaves
Stefan Molyneux
Published on Nov 6, 2012
Stefan Molyneux, Host of Freedomain Radio, discusses the imminent US election with Adam Kokesh on Adam Versus the Man.
Google Books
Dr. Rex Curry’s Amazing Discovery:
Dead Writers Club
By Ian Tinny
No Pledge Publishing
Pg. 105:
Voting is a suggestion box for slaves.
The Art of NOT Being Governed
The Voting Booth – A Suggestion Box for Slaves
ts November 2, 2014
“If you don’t vote, you can’t complain” is one of the most ridiculous, illogical statements I’ve ever heard. The only people who rightfully can complain are those who choose not to be a part of the political process.
Many people who have decided not to vote have awakened to the realization that the people they “elect” will be expected to initiate force against their friends, family and neighbors–a criminal activity–and those non-voters have chosen not to be an accessory to crime.
Voting - the Slave’s Suggestion Box
Steve Borowsky
Published on Nov 8, 2016
To control the plantation, give the slaves the illusion of choice, then make them work even harder, and punish them for going against “freedom” when they speak out.
UFC Buffalo
Replying to @CMWooly @simplycoz and 2 others
Politics is a waste of time. “Voting is the suggestion box of slaves”... - @HighImpactFlix
4:30 PM - 12 Aug 2018