“Vodka is practically a health drink if you just call it ‘potato juice’”
“Vodka is practically a health drink if you just call it ‘potato juice’” and “Vodka is healthy if you call it potato juice” are jocular sayings that have been printed on many images.
“My mom sent THE best card ‘if you want to get tech, vodka is practically a health drink if you call it potato juice, which it really is’” was posted on Twitter by Funwithyourfood on January 29, 2009. “If you want to get technical Vodka is practically a health drink if you call it potato juice which it really is, anyway” was posted on Twitter by dborm on October 6, 2009. “Funny card ‘If you want to get technical, Vodka is practically a health drink if you just call it potato juice’” was posted on Twitter by Tara on July 19, 2010.
“Vodka is practically a health drink if you just call it ‘potato juice’” (shown on an image) was posted on Twitter by Cassie McKinney on December 1, 2013. This version cuts off the beginning (“If you want to get technical…”) and the ending (“Which it really is, anyway”).
“‘Vodka is healthy if you call it potato juice’ I fucking love the shit they say on the radio” was posted on Twitter by Scotty b on June 7, 2018. “Vodka is healthy if you call it potato juice” was posted on Twitter by Vacant Mind Club on December 11, 2018.
“Vodka is just potato juice” and “If we start calling it ‘potato juice’, vodka becomes a health drink, RIGHT??” are related sayings.
Wikipedia: Vodka
Vodka (Polish: wódka [ˈvutka], Russian: водка [ˈvotkə], Swedish: vodka [vɔdkɑː]) is a clear distilled alcoholic beverage. Different varieties originated in Poland, Russia, and Sweden. Vodka is composed mainly of water and ethanol but sometimes with traces of impurities and flavourings. Traditionally, it is made by distilling liquid from fermented cereal grains. Potatoes have been used in more recent times, and some modern brands use fruits, honey, or maple sap as the base.
My mom sent THE best card “if you want to get tech, vodka is practically a health drink if you call it potato juice, which it really is”
6:01 PM · Jan 29, 2009·Twitter Web Client
RT @CeliacChick: If you want to get technical, vodka is practically a health drink if you call it potato juice…
10:42 AM · Jun 2, 2009·Twitter Web Client
If you want to get technical Vodka is practically a health drink if you call it potato juice which it really is, anyway
6:54 PM · Oct 6, 2009·Twitter SMS
Catherine Bassett
I just lol’d at a greeting card. “vodka sounds downright healthy if you call it potato juice”
6:06 PM · Jan 28, 2010·Twitter Web Client
Tantrum Salon
If you want to get technical VODKA is practically a health drink if you just call it potato juice (which it really… http://bit.ly/dBEbFg
9:08 AM · Apr 16, 2010·Facebook
Funny card “If you want to get technical, Vodka is practically a health drink if you just call it potato juice”
5:33 PM · Jul 19, 2010·Twitter Web Client
Amanda Head
Did you know that vodka is practically a health drink? Well it is if you call it potato juice. This is a fact according to my Hallmark Card
1:25 PM · Jul 27, 2010·Twitter Web Client
Edward J. Smith
Vodka is really a healthy drink if you just call it potato juice
3:55 PM · Jul 31, 2010·Echofon
Deepak Hemdev
If you call it potato juice…vodka becomes a health drink! 😉
5:04 AM · Sep 28, 2012·Twitter for BlackBerry®
Cassie McKinney
“If you want to get technical, vodka is actually a health drink…if you just call it potato juice” 🍸🍸🍸
(This saying is also shown on a card.—ed.)
4:35 AM · Dec 1, 2013·Twitter for iPhone
MelanysGuydlines ®
Vodka is practically a health drink if you just call it potato juice. #snarky #ha #lol #hu… http://ift.tt/1TFAOJq
(This saying is also shown on an image.—ed.)
8:55 PM · Jan 6, 2016·IFTTT
Scotty b
“Vodka is healthy if you call it potato juice”
I fucking love the shit they say on the radio
8:30 PM · Jun 7, 2018·Twitter for iPhone
Vacant Mind Club
“Vodka is healthy if you call it potato juice.”
1:01 PM · Dec 11, 2018·The Mission Suite
Vodka is practically a health drink if you just call it “Potato Juice.”
10:34 PM · Jul 9, 2019·Twitter for iPhone
,a href=‘https://twitter.com/lanechanged/status/1270626485590790145”>Twitter
☮️ 𝕃𝕒𝕟𝕖 ☯️
Vodka is practically a health drink if you just call it “potato juice”.
3:58 AM · Jun 10, 2020·Twitter for Android