Vitamin T (tequila and/or tortillas, tacos, tamales, tostadas, tortas, tlacoyos, tlayudas)

“Vitamin T” has long been a humorous nickname for “tequila.” Many Mexican dishes begin with the letter “T,” and “Vitamin T” has come to mean the Mexican (and Tex-Mex) diet of tortillas, tacos, tamales, tostadas, tortas, tlacoyos, tlayudas, and more.
Texas cooking is also said to contain “Vitamin G” (grease).
Hungry for Mexican? (Quiz)
10. Here’ a funny one, Mexicans say that vitamin “T” is very important in our food. What is vitamin “T”? 
Your Answer: Tortilla, Taco, Tamale, Torta
Sadly this is true and make Mexico the second fattest country in the world, so enjoy all kinds of food, but remember always eat healthy.
72% of players have answered correctly. 
Urban Dictionary
Vitamin T
Slang term for Tequila.
“We drove down to Tiajuana over the weekend and drank a lot of Vitamin T, but almost got thrown in jail.”
by Deejster The West Sep 3, 2006
12 November 1996, San Antonio (TX) Express-News, pg. 5E:
He then quipped: “I’m glad to be back on TV doing weather in San Antonio for two weeks, because I was running low on Vitamin T -tacos, tamales and tortillas ... 
Google Groups:
From: Bill Kennedy
Date: 1996/12/18
Subject: Re: Flu
> Bill,
> Happy to report that I mixed my OJ with tequila, and felt just fine
> the next day. Lots of vitamin c in a tequila sunrise.
> Robin
> 1M1D
Ah, si, vitamin T!  Viva Mexico! 
Google Groups:
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Mr P.M. Martins Ferreira)
Date: 1997/02/21
Subject: Re: YKYBWTMB5W… 
You’ll have to forgive me, it was a wild party, last night… Loads of exotic drinks (read, Sangria) and vitamin T (read, Tequila).
Google Groups:
From: DamnYankee
Date: 1998/04/05
Subject: One more Sammy Update…his Tequila… 
My Search for the finest tequila is over. I’ve found it! Paradise in a bottle. Check it out, It’s Cabo Wabo. Vitamin T!” ....Sammy Hagar
4 January 2004, The Facts (Clute, TX), “Mexican-Americans are particularly susceptible to obesity” by Chris Roberts, pg. 3A, col. 2:
“It’s dietary,” said Dr. Bruce Applebaum, who performs the surgeries in El Paso along with Castro. “Too much vitamin T—tacos, tostadas, tortillas.”
Seattle (WA) Times (July 24, 2004)
“Mexicans will never stop eating tortas. It’s our vitamin T,” said Maria Isabel Vazquez, a 47-year-old government worker visiting the festival. 
Rachel’s Register
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Addicted to Vitamin T
I have become quite fond of, in fact too fond of, Mexico’s Vitamin T: Tacos, Tortas, Tamales and Tostadas.
Google Groups: soc.culture.argentina
Newsgroups: soc.culture.argentina, soc.culture.mexican, soc.culture.latin-america, alt.usage.spanish, soc.culture.spain
From: “Gurriato”

Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2006 21:54:58 -0500
Local: Fri, Sep 1 2006 9:54 pm
Subject: VITAMINA T PARA EL PUEBLO MEJICANO. Era: Another sore loser
El peje ama a su pueblo y quiere proporcionarle una dieta rica en “Vitamina T”: Tacos, Tamales, Tortillas, Tostadas, Tortas,  Tlacoyos, Tlayudas y Teleras
San Diego (CA) Union-Tribune (January 12, 2007)
Every day, tens of millions of Mexicans chomp through tacos, known sarcastically as Vitamin T, made by wrapping corn tortillas around everything from beans to beef brains.
Mexico Travel Blog
San Cristobal and Palenque
Sunday, Mar. 4, 2007
The Mexican people have one Motto to a long and healthy life. Vitamin T - tequila, tortillas, tacos, tomatoes, and more Tequila.
The Stranger (Seattle, WA)
Vitamin T
Exploring Tortas on Aurora Avenue and in Federal Way
by Angela Garbes
December 4, 2007
I knew it was time to visit Barriga Llena when I came across this quote from a woman attending Mexico’s annual festival celebrating this national food: “Mexicans will never stop eating tortas. It’s our vitamin T.”