Vitamin G (grease)

“Vitamin G” (grease) is the essential ingredient in some fast food restaurants, used in making many fried foods. John Kelso of the Austin (TX) American-Statesman used the term “Vitamin G” in several of his columns in the 1990s.
Tex-Mex cooking is said to contain “Vitamin T” (tacos, tortillas, tamales, tostadas, tortas).
29 August 1986, Star Tribune (Twin Cities, MN), “Yes, there is good fare at the fair” by Jeremy Iggers, pg. 1C:
I’m not knocking it. If we human beings didn’t have a basic biological need for grease, State Fair food wouldn’t be so popular.
Those of you who want to concentrate on the basic, batter-dipped, fried foods like Pronto Pups, deep-fried cheese balls and french fries really don’t need any help. You can find these items on virtually every corner. Deep-fried cauliflower, mushrooms, potato chips, chicken wings and apple fritters also are easy to find, along with many other foods rich in “vitamin G ,” like bratwursts, hamburgers and hot dogs. 
Google Groups: alt.folklore.urban
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.urban
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Chuck Adams)
Date: 29 May 92 17:41:23 GMT
Local: Fri, May 29 1992 12:41 pm
Subject: Re: Food Groups
>salt,  starch,  grease, and alcohol
Everybody knows this isn’t a food group - it’s a vitamin.  (Vitamin G) 
7 January 1993, Austin (TX) American-Statesman, “Clinton may like Austin better with a junk food/jogger’s map” by John Kelso, pg. A16:
To exercise properly, a fellow has to keep his strength up by getting his daily requirement of vitamin G - as in grease.
Google Groups: alt.pagan
Newsgroups: alt.pagan
Followup-To: alt.pagan
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Diana J. Sunday)
Date: 25 Nov 1994 17:07:37 GMT
Local: Fri, Nov 25 1994 12:07 pm
Subject: Re: Xtian companies…what do YOU do?
I’ve heard rumors that the Domino’s Pizza guy sold the company and that it’s no longer in “quarantine.” There was some other rumor that he is not somehow associated with Pizza Hut.
Anyone out there know the *real* scoop????
(Personally, I don’t frequent either place—too much vitamin G [grease] in their food.) 
Google Groups: rec.backcountry
Newsgroups: rec.backcountry
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Larry Chapman)
Date: 1995/05/30
Subject: TR: Chicago Basin, CO.
We slam down plenty of vitamin-G (grease) at McDonalds and drive all the way home.  Chapman hits his bed at 3:30am.
1 January 1996, Austin (TX) American-Statesman, pg. B1:
I promise to eat the recommended daily allowance of brown foods, and get plenty of vitamin G - grease. 
South Coast Today (1-16-99)
Would you like double grease with that?
by John Kelso
SNOOK, Texas
Occasionally throughout history, a visionary comes along who should be honored for his Herculean efforts in swimming upstream against the tide of political correctness.
Such a man is Frank Sodolak, who is pretty darned sure he invented chicken-fried bacon.
“I ain’t never heard of it anywhere else,” Sodolak said.
Sodolak, owner of Sodolak’s Original Country Inn in this small town (population 489) about 13 miles southwest of College Station—that’s about 100 miles northeast of Austin—serves the breaded and deep-fried bacon as one of his appetizers. For that totally brown meal, he says some people order it as an appetizer to go with their chicken-fried steak.
“You never know what they’re going to order,” Sodolak said. He concocted the high-in-vitamin-G (grease) food item eight or 10 years ago.
Google Books
Evil Angel
by Rd Larson
BeWrite Books
Pg. 72:
The movie was okay, they agreed, but the popcorn was better. Totally filled with vitamin G, Jack had laughed, explaining that G stood for grease.
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From: Marty Carson

Date: Tue, 05 Mar 2002 13:34:30 -0600
Local: Tues, Mar 5 2002 2:34 pm
Subject: Re: Tell Me About Supplements You Are Taking!!!!! 
Vitamin C (as in Chocolate, Coffee, Cake, Cookies, etc.) in copious quantities along with a large dose of Vitamin G (Grease, as in french fries, cheeseburgers, buttered popcorn, etc.)
April 19, 2006
Street Eats: Hallo Berlin
Also good is the Polish Kielbasa, especially on those days you need a shot of vitamin G (grease).