Vintage Media

“Vintage media” means media of the past, such as newspapers, magazines and major television networks. The term “vintage media” was used several times in August and September 2011 by Bill Turner on gather. “Vintage media outlets and supporters of big government spending cheered pragmatic cuts to programs” was written by Turner on August 7, 2011. “Top 10 Vintage Media Putdowns of Obama’s Disastrous DNC Speech” was cited by Doug Ross @ Journal on September 7, 2012. The term “vintage” has been frequently used on conservative and libertarian blogs.
Similar terms to “vintage media” include “antique media,” “deadstream media,” “dead tree media,” “dinosaur media,” “fringe media,” “lamestream media,” “legacy media” and “past tense media.”
Ron Paul’s Clarity on Economy Often Misunderstood or Distorted
By Bill Turner
August 07, 2011 09:55 AM EDT
Among the worst offenses committed against the public during the debt ceiling debate, the dishonesty about the trimming of the government’s spending stands out. Vintage media outlets and supporters of big government spending cheered pragmatic cuts to programs that paved the way for a deal to be reached.
The GOP’s Ron Paul problem isn’t a problem
By Bill Turner
August 15, 2011 07:05 PM EDT
Four years ago, Ron Paul was the guy everyone derided. Now he’s the guy everyone is unsuccessfully trying to ignore. Setting aside the vintage media, since they’re nothing more than a whipping boy in Republican politics, one sees the people who do matter in Republican politics waking up to the threat of a party takeover by the voters who support Paul.
Ron Paul Polling Almost Even Against Obama
By Bill Turner
August 22, 2011 06:35 PM EDT
Ron Paul is supposed to be unelectable, the vintage media has repeated that line early and often.
Daily Paul
Don’t care for Kucinich. However….
Submitted by Jay1 on Wed, 09/21/2011 - 19:01.
Print media giants of the past are on their death beds, and major television networks are being committed by their former viewers to Hospice facilities. As hard as it tries, the vintage media cannot compete with, or keep up with the internet and social media. The traditional Left/Right paradigm is breaking down. So many people no longer believe in it or in its vintage media propagandists; both have vastly overestimated their ability to still select our candidates and leaders for us. They can criticize and belittle men like Paul they want; because we no longer believe them anyway.
Ron Paul 2012 Campaign to Focus on Iowa Tuesday
By Bill Turner
September 25, 2011 08:15 AM EDT
Paul plans to attend four separate events in Iowa. He can connect directly with voters at each of them, without having the filter of the vintage media between himself and those who are casting ballots.
Diogenes’ Middle Finger
More Vintage Media Nonsense
Posted by Diogenes Sarcastica™ on 4/19/2012 01:02:00 PM
Media (and campaign communications) Malpractice
Doug Ross @ Journal
Top 10 Vintage Media Putdowns of Obama’s Disastrous DNC Speech
How bad was Obama’s recycled mish-mash of a speech last night? So bad that even antique media panned it across the board.
Gateway Pundit
Vintage Media Pulls Out All The Stops Trying to Blame #ObamaReidShutdown on GOP
Posted by Gateway Guest Blogger on Sunday, September 29, 2013, 7:57 PM
Guest post by Doug Ross of Doug Ross @ Journal
This sort of agitprop isn’t unexpected, but it is still surprisingly lame. The man whose starting negotiating position is that he will not negotiate is responsible for any shutdown that occurs. The man who refuses to discuss cutting a single penny from his disastrous health care is emblematic of a dysfunctional government.
Biff Spackle
PIC: How to get vintage media to cover the Benghazi scandal @SpeakerBoehner @EricCantor @DarrellIssa #SelectCommittee
8:39 PM - 6 Mar 2014