Venice of New York (Broad Channel)

Broad Channel is a tiny island in Jamaica Bay. It's part of Queens County. Broad Channel has acquired the nickname "Venice of New York" for obvious reasons.

25 November 1984, New York Times, pg. H31:
The A line and its CC local counterpart offer scenic subjects on the southern section from Rockaway Boulevard to Kennedy Airport. Interesting shots can be taken of Howard Beach with its canals and houses on piles, a "Venice in Queens."
Fifth Annual Broad Channel Historical Day will be held on Sunday, October 17 from noon to 5 p.m. The public is invited to learn about Broad Channel, often referred to as "the Venice of New York" because of the canals affording resident's waterfront property.
Known as "the Venice of New York" and, less glamorously, "the Gateway to the Rockaways," Broad Channel is a hermetic community of mostly policemen, firemen, and EMS workers on the only inhabited island in Jamaica Bay. At two miles long by two blocks wide, the neighborhood has no supermarket, gas station, or pharmacy, but because of its large coastline there are almost as many boats as people. Canals run behind rows of houses, so that many homes enjoy both a backyard and a dock. Entire families and their dogs rent rowboats, go fishing, and swim together in the canals and the bay.
The Broad Channel Historical Society was founded in 1994. Our mission is to document and preserve the history of Broad Channel, often referred to as the "Venice" of New York.