“Used Beer Department—Two Shake Maximum” (restroom sign, especially in a bar)

“Used Beer Department” is a jocular restroom sign that has been printed on many images. “Two Shake Maximum” is sometimes added.
“Used beer department” was printed in The Daily Telegraph (Columbus, NE) on August 30, 1939. “On the wall was painted in large letters with a pointing hand: ‘To the Used Beer Department’” was printed in the book Maryland Main and the Eastern Shore (1942) by Hulbert Footner. “‘USED BEER DEPARTMENT’ August 1942. ‘Midway, Bingham County, Idaho. Sanitary facilities.’ Medium-format nitrate negative by Russell Lee for the Office of War Information | Shorpy Old Photos | Photo Sharing https://shorpy.com/node/25951” was posted on Twitter by Cigar Heid on October 30, 2020.
“Two shake maximum” (“USED BEER DEPARTMENT Two Shake Maximim” is shown on a sign over a urinal) was posted on Twitter by J🐒🚹 on January 20, 2013. “‘Used Beer Department - Two Shake Maximum’ best bathroom sign ive ever seen” was posted on Twitter by Spencer Rohlfs on January 28, 2014.
“Used Coffee Department” is a similar term.
30 August 1939, The Daily Telegraph (Columbus, NE), “Tuning In On Your Neighbors” by Jack Kintzi, pg. 1, col. 2:
In the more modest places they label those rooms plainly as “Ladies” and “Gents.” The coyer establishments list them as for “Bucks” and “Does,” and “Pa” and “Ma.”
But at Shorty’s place in Clarks the sign over the used beer department exclaims with refreshing simplicity and feeling—“I’ve Found It!”
Google Books
Maryland Main and the Eastern Shore
By Hulbert Footner
New York, NY: D. Appleton-Century Co.
Pg. 184:
The porch roof leaked so plentifully we were driven inside the building, and we called for beer. On the wall was painted in large letters with a pointing hand: “To the Used Beer Department.” “What is the used beer department?” I asked of the little village girl who brought the beer, and then I saw the point and blushed. She was not in the least discomposed, “The Gents’ toilet.” Oxford humor.
Google Books
By George William Willis
Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Oran, Incorporated
Pg. 137:
They talked about Monty for a while, and then she excused herself. “Got to see the used-beer department,” she said.
Google Books
Florida Cruise
By Norman Alan Hill
Baltimore, MD: George W. King Printing Co.
Pg. 295:
The Skipper made a special note in his log of a painted notation on a Chic Sale door overhanging the water at a nearby flimsy pier—“Used beer department”.
Google Books
Galaxy Magazine (Science fiction.—ed.)
Volume 9, Issues 1-4
Pg. 90:
The used beer department is down those steps over there.
Google Books     
Practice Makes Perfect
By Edward Vernon
New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press
Pg. 26:
He might have just emptied his beer-glass and discovered the need to refill it or to make a trip to the used—beer department.
Google Groups: tor.eats
Review: Hotters (Try # 2)
Alan Marshall
Apr 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM
Near the washroom the sign reads “Used Beer Department”.
Google Groups: rec.games.pinball
Coka Cola theme Pinball????   
Oct 27, 2001, 1:27:17 PM
Sign over toilet:
“Used beer dept.”
Google Books
Vice Slang
By Tom Dalzell and ‎Terry Victor
New York, NY: Routledge
Pg. 194:
used beer department  noun
a toilet US, 1995 Modified to ‘used coffee department’ and the like for office settings.
Replying to @goodbeershow
@goodbeershow The best brewpub bathrooms are the ones labeled “Used Beer Department”
8:51 AM · Apr 30, 2009
Sign over a restroom in a restaurant: “Used beer department.”
8:27 AM · Jul 16, 2009
Ian Rice
RT @GuitarDragon: “‘Sign over a restroom in a restaurant: “Used beer department.’”  || MAKES SENSE
4:36 PM · Jan 21, 2010
Slau Halatyn
LOL Best sign on men’s room door at Ulrich Tavern: “Used Beer Department”
10:32 AM · Jun 26, 2010
Replying to @KKurzNHL
@kpkurz99 @JamieApody I was visiting the used beer department and came back to a commercial LOL
10:25 PM · Oct 10, 2010
Love the ad where the men’s toilet in the pub is called “The Used Beer Department.”
3:31 AM · Dec 7, 2010
@veteranairborne You know you’re in big trouble when you frequent a bar that has an arrow to the “used beer department”
5:31 PM · Mar 1, 2011
Lauren Billings
Bars that call bathrooms “Used Beer Department” = ick. [Why yes, I am revising at the pub at noon on a Monday].
3:00 PM · Dec 19, 2011
The brewery I’m at has a “used beer department”
10:42 PM · Jan 24, 2012
Kristen Brooks
Sign above the bathroom door says “used beer department” 😖😷
5:03 PM · Aug 6, 2012
“Two shake maximum.”
(“USED BEER DEPARTMENT Two Shake Maximim” is shown on a sign over a urinal.—ed.)
9:15 PM · Jan 20, 2013
Phill Gillespie
Best Gents Toilets sign ever! Or rather, best “Used Beer Dept.” sign… Hugely impressed with The Porterhouse, Br…
(The sign is shown.—ed.)
2:36 PM · Apr 8, 2013
Amy Novotny
“Used Beer Department”...aka, the restrooms! #sillysigns #wapitibar http://instagram.com/p/cQUInVq2fG/
11:52 PM · Jul 26, 2013
Spencer Rohlfs
“Used Beer Department - Two Shake Maximum” best bathroom sign ive ever seen
10:26 PM · Jan 28, 2014
The Beez
The bathroom at this brewery is called the “used beer department.” I like it. #GreatBasin
5:48 PM · Nov 2, 2014
@TheFeedSBS I was thinking of the term “used beer department”.
6:20 AM · Jul 6, 2015
Ghost Bear 1981
Replying to @DPRGuru @LovesPampers and @DiaperMates
Make one that says “Used Beer Department” with arrow pointing down - it’s for the front of the diaper….
9:24 AM · Jun 25, 2017
Adrian Walters
Replying to @JohnKuczaj and @atomicshop
The gents’ bathroom at a pub I know in Yorkshire (UK) used to have a sign that said “Used Beer Department”
9:28 AM · Jul 19, 2017
Jon W
I couldn’t find the loos in the restaurant. The waiter helpfully pointed to the sign: “Used Beer Department”...
3:19 PM · May 15, 2018
Teacher Fabio Emerim
7 apelidos para WC inglês:
1 - altar
2 - can
3 - head
4 - throne
5 - throne room
6 - used-beer department
7 - shithouse
8:03 PM · Nov 7, 2019
Cigar Heid
Something we all need sooner or later…,
August 1942. “Midway, Bingham County, Idaho. Sanitary facilities.” Medium-format nitrate negative by Russell Lee for the Office of War Information | Shorpy Old Photos | Photo Sharing https://shorpy.com/node/25951
4:39 PM · Oct 30, 2020
John Edwin Mason
“Used Beer Department. Her, His.”
(Russell Lee/FSA: Midway, Bingham County, Idaho. Sanitary facilities. 1942)
9:52 PM · Nov 9, 2020
Thaddeus Longmire
I will henceforth be referring to taking a piss as going to the used beer department
8:30 PM · Sep 9, 2022
Iain (or John) Howieson
Replying to @kbdaly2468
I have a friend who always refers to the gents’ toilet in any pub as “the used beer department”.
3:45 PM · Nov 10, 2022