“Two managers talk to each other”

Entry in progress—B.P.
Elk Grove Online
City of Elk Grove Executive Branch ~ Too Top Heavy?
Deleted Member
November 15, 2006 7:53:38 PM PST
My paper was entitled “Why Businesses Suffer from Dolly Parton’s Disease?” And the best line I could find to describe “top heavy management” was an old adage: “One manager talks to his workers. Two managers talk to each other. Three managers form a club.”
Post-Bulletin (Rochester, MN)
Dave Conrad: Isolation tough for managers
Posted: Thursday, May 1, 2014 9:00 am
Managers need diverse opinions and ideas. There is an old saying: “One manger talks to his/her workers. Two managers talk to each other.” This can lead to “seclusion delusion” where the manager receives information from a small number of people, who tend to think alike.