Turbaconducken (Turducken wrapped in bacon)

A variation of “turkducken” (turkey + duck + chicken) is “turbaconducken” (turkey + bacon + duck + chicken). “Turbaconducken” was first posted on the blog Bacon Today on November 18, 2008. just in time for Thanksgiving.
The popularity of the dish is an open question. Several blogs commented that all the meats couldn’t be cooked properly, while some commentators were grossed out by just the pictures of it.
Bacon Today
Turbaconducken (Turducken Wrapped in Bacon)
Posted on 18 November 2008
Just in time for the winter season comes a recipe that is sure to bring bacon lovers some warm holiday cheer. Turbaconducken. That’s right — a chicken stuffed in duck stuffed in a turkey, all wrapped in bacon. Otherwise known as a bacon-wrapped turducken. Just how did we create this meaty madness? Read on.
It all started with a dream…and a whole bunch of bacon. Five pounds of bacon to be exact. For some variety we used three types of bacon, including Rocco’s Country Peppered Bacon for the decorative topping.
We used a 15 pound turkey, a small duck, and a pre-cut whole chicken. We consulted the internet for a turducken recipe and hoped for the best.
We started by wrapping the chicken pieces in bacon.
Then we split the duck into two halves…
…and wrapped the duck halves in bacon.
At this point the chicken and duck started looking pretty big, so we test fit the pieces into the turkey. There wasn’t any room to spare but we managed to get all the pieces in there.
Then we wrapped the turkey in bacon and the feast was ready for the oven.
Holy Taco
The Turbaconducken (Turducken Wrapped Bacon)
November 21st, 2008 | 12:30 pm
You’re aware of the Turducken, right? Well the uber-genoiuses over at BaconToday.com have made the Turbaconducken, or the bacon-wrapped turducken (I personally would’ve called it the “Turdubackon”, but I also would not have thought to add bacon to a turducken, so what do I know?) If you want to blow your face off with Thanksgiving goodness this year, you need to go there right now to see the whole recipe so you can make one of these for yourself.
Roadfood.com Discussion Board
turbaconducken - Mon, 11/24/08 4:23 PM
Holy mother of bacon goodness. Chicken wrapped in bacon, stuffed in a split duck wrapped in bacon, stuffed in a turkey… wrapped in bacon.
http://bacontoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/in-pan-ready-to-cook.jpg ” alt=””  />
http://bacontoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/cooked-front.jpg ” alt=””  />
After that much effort they really should have put it in a slow smoker rather than just an oven.