“Tuck Fexas”

“Tuck Fexas” might have been coined by Oklahoma Sooners fans at the Texas-Oklahoma Red River Rivalry football games. The term is cited in print from at least 1983.     
See also “Fuck Texas” and “Fuck Y’all, I’m from Texas!”
Urban Dictionary
1. tuck fexas 
A clever and polite way of saying (safe for children) that the Texas Longhorns fucking suck. By switching the first letter of each word you can see that the real meaning is Fuck Texas.
Go Hogs Go, Tuck Fexas! They blow.
by Houston Nutt Aug 27, 2003
2. tuck fexas 
A clever saying used by Oklahomans to show their envy.
I attend the University of Texas-Norman. Tuck fexas!
by Vincent Dec 18, 2003
Tuck Fexas
Bumper Art
Tuck Fexas bumper sticker
Perfect for your car, truck, van, motorhome, motorcycle, helmet, notebook, cubicle, or office
Google Groups: net.sport.football
Newsgroups: net.sport.football
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Date: Sun, 18-Dec-83 22:54:50 EST
Local: Sun, Dec 18 1983 11:54 pm
Subject: Re: Big Games - (nf)
here at ou, we call the oklahoma-texas game
ok, that was a little sarcastic, but we do just refer to it as that.  there are a few things to note:

oklahoma comes FIRST.  it is NOT the texas-oklahoma game.
it is often called the oklahoma-texASS game.  (in oklahoma)

the ‘common’ chant is ‘beat the hell out of {ou, texas}’ yelled by both sides all year long.

we also have the famous ‘tuck fexas’  saying, a personal favorite.

‘texas’ is often writen as:
  T   EEEEEE X   X   A   SSSSS  
  T   E     X   X   A A   S   S
  T   E     X   X   A   A S    
  T   E       X X   A   A S    
  T   EEEE     X   A   A SSSSS  
  T   E       X X   AAAAAAA     S
  T   E     X   X A   A     S
  T   E     X   X A   A     S
  T   E     X   X A   A S   S
with the ‘t’ inverted, showing disrespect for everything texas stands for.       
Google Groups: net.college
Newsgroups: net.college
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Craig Miller)
Date: Mon, 10-Dec-84 09:46:41 EST
Local: Mon, Dec 10 1984 10:46 am
Subject: Re: THE game - TEXAS-OU
As the tee shirt says: “Tuck Fexas”.  Or, “Bevo is sterile”
(or gay, or is a hairdresser, or whatever…). 
Google Groups: rec.sport.football.college
Newsgroups: rec.sport.football.college
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Dylan F. Alexander)
Date: 1998/01/13
Subject: Re: Bear Bryant—Dirty Cheatenous Slut
}When I drove back from Oklahoma a couple of weeks ago, I didn’t notice
}the “Tuck Fexus” spray panted on the railroad bridge just south of Norman.
Sports Illustrated
Expressing hatred for Texas has become a year-round tradition for Oklahoma fans. Many adorn their cars with upside-down Longhorns alongside their Sooners magnets, stickers and flags. We use slogans like TUCK FEXAS or WE MESS WITH TEXAS when referring to our buddies from the south. But possibly the most eloquent summation of the Sooners’ collective sentiment toward Texas comes from legendary OU linebacker Brian Bosworth, who simply says: “Burnt orange makes me puke.”—Aaron Francl
Francl, a journalism major, is assistant sports editor of The Oklahoma Daily.
Issue date: October 11, 2004
Posted: Sep 7, 2005 9:22 AM
I was proven wrong, yet again… Now it is time to watch Ohio State KILL the longhorns. TUCK FEXUS!!!!
Rice University Student Association
Tuck Fexas Shirts
Fri, 09/15/2006 - 22:47 — Director of Technology
Yesterday evening, the SA sold Tuck Fexas shirts that were not printed correctly. The t-shirt design company we were using messed up their vowels, and instead of spelling Texas with an A before the S, they spelled it with a U reading “Tuck Fexus”.