“Try Organic Food…or as your grandparents called it, ‘food’”

“Try Organic Food…or as your grandparents called it, ‘food’” is a jocular saying that has been printed on many gift items, such as T-shirts, bags and posters. “Try Organic Food…or as your grandparents called it, ‘Food’” has been cited in print since at least 2009, when the saying was included in the book Give the Bitch Her Chocolate, by Ed Polish and Darren Wotz. “Eat Organic Food” replaces “Try Organic Food” in some versions.
“3 generations ago, organic food was just called ‘food‘“ is a similar saying.
Google Books
Give the Bitch Her Chocolate
By Ed Polish and Darren Wotz
Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press
Pg. ? (not paginated): 
Try Organic Food…or as your grandparents called it, “Food”
Jonathan Mead‏
Organic food… what your grandparents called… Food.
8:39 PM - 5 Apr 09
Kumar McMillan‏
Try organic food ... or as your grandparents called it, “food” @rpf great fridge magnet http://twitpic.com/7z6ww
8:43 AM - 16 Aug 09
Lesbian In The Kitchen
September 28, 2009 · 6:05 pm
Wisdom from ‘The Youth’s Companion’
Does a better argument exist for the benefits of local produce? It reminds me of a magnet on my girlfriend’s fridge that reads: “Try Organic Food! Or As Your Grandparents Called It…Food!”
GoUpstate.com (SC)
Get back to the farm on weekend tour
Anderson Independent-Mail
Published: Friday, June 4, 2010 at 3:15 a.m.
Last Modified: Thursday, June 3, 2010 at 6:54 p.m.
ANDERSON — There was this great magnet that I saw in a store in Myrtle Beach. It read: “Eat Organic Food. Or, as your grandparents called it, food.”
BC Local News (British Columbia) 
Trying to separate the wheat from the chaff
By Tara Macart - Parksville Qualicum Beach News
Published: October 18, 2011 8:00 AM
Recently, I came across some signage that said “Eat Organic Food, or as your grandparents called it, Food.”