“Trust is like virginity—once you lose it, it’s lost forever”

“Trust is like virginity—once you lose it, it’s lost forever” is a popular saying in politics. “Credibility is like virginity; once you’ve lost it, it’s gone” was cited in a 1975 newspaper opinion about Washington politics.
“Trust is like virginity—once you’ve lost it you can never get it back” was cited in print in 1986. The saying has no known authorship.
“Trust is like a paper. once it’s crumpled it can’t be perfect again” and “Trust is like an eraser— it gets smaller and smaller after every mistake” are other sayings about trust.
13 November 1975, Anderson (IN) Herald, “In Washington” by Ron Hendren, pg. 4, col. 5:
WASHINGTON Credibility is like virginity; once you’ve lost it, it’s gone, but unlike virginity, there are no reasons that make the losing of it worthwhile.
25 February 1986, Providence (RI) Journal, “Good Neighbors: Extended wear lenses make reader see red,” Accent, pg. D2:
To get an apartment and do all those things yourself would be expensive and time consuming, leaving less time for fooling around. that it will never happen again, but I’ve discovered that trust is like virginity—once you’ve lost it you can never get it back (even if it’s just once).
Google Books
Selected Reminiscences of President Yoweri Museveni
By Yoweri Museveni
Kampala: Recent Magazine
Pg. 132:
Trust is like virginity…you can only lose it once.
LoveShack.org Community Forums
Tony T
25th July 2000, 10:40 PM
Re: How to rebuild broken trust?
Trust is like virginity, once compromised it can never be regained.
Nicole Donnelly
trust is like virginity, you can’t really get it back
2:38 AM - 25 Sep 09
American Thinker
November 25, 2013
More bad polling news for Obama
Thomas Lifson
“Trust is like virginity: once you lose it it’s hard to get it back.” So spoke pollster John Zogby, commenting on his latest poll on President Obama’s handling of his office.
Barry Seizes More Power as He Falls in Polls
November 25, 2013
RUSH:  There’s an old saying out there that I just heard five seconds ago:  “Trust is like virginity.  Once you lose it, it’s impossible to get it back.”  Well, stop and think about it.  After somebody lies to you the first time, you never fully trust them ever again.  If it’s a big personal lie, I mean, you may screw up and invest in ‘em over and over again and get lied to over and over again, but you never really trust them.