Trashuries (trash + Treasuries)

A United States Treasury security (the securities are usually called “Treasuries”) is a debt financing instrument backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government. The credit of the United States was downgraded in August 2011 by Standard & Poor’s, from AAA to AA+. The new rating is above junk/trash status, although some financial critics claim that the United States is headed in that direction.
The Treasuries nickname of “Trashuries” (trash + Treasuries) has been cited in print since May 2005, but was popularized in a February 14, 2008 article in The Wall Street Examiner by Lee Adler. The lowercase “trashuries” has also been used.
Wikipedia: United States Treasury security
A United States Treasury security is government debt issued by the United States Department of the Treasury through the Bureau of the Public Debt. Treasury securities are the debt financing instruments of the United States Federal government, and they are often referred to simply as Treasuries. There are four types of marketable treasury securities: Treasury bills, Treasury notes, Treasury bonds, and Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS). There are several types of non-marketable treasury securities including State and Local Government Series (SLGS), Government Account Series debt issued to government-managed trust funds, and savings bonds. All of the marketable Treasury securities are very liquid and are heavily traded on the secondary market. The non-marketable securities (such as savings bonds) are issued to subscribers and cannot be transferred through market sales.
The Housing Bubble
Monday, May 16, 2005
Foreign Sources Of Mortgage Capital Dry Up
posted by Ben Jones @ 3:19 PM
At 4:25 PM,  Anonymous said…
There was some commentary on this at Wall Street Examiner last week. Apparently FCBs (foreign central banks) buying Fannie/Freddie paper, rather than Trashuries, is a new and unexpected development.
The Wall Street Examiner 
Crowding Out
February 14, 2008
By Lee Adler
Marketupwatch had an interesting piece about the failure of the auction rate securities market today (link below). The failure of this market is an example of the crowding out problem with Trashuries that I’ve been talking about in the Wall Street Examiner Professional Edition. With the supply of Trashuries mushrooming and investors demanding the safest securities, they have no reason to invest in anything but Trashuries. This is self defeating behavior, as is any other kind of investment panic.
Aussie Stock Forums
13th-March-2008 09:49 AM
Treasurys are now called trashuries in the good old US of A.
Stool Pigeons Wire Message Board
Dump more trashuries,Buy anything at market M2M 2/18/10
Posted 18 February 2010 - 05:03 PM
More of the same
Around the Barstool
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Treasuries? More Like Trashuries!
I mentioned a couple months ago that I might want to talk about the bond bubble at some point.  Well we recently started to see some news that the bond market could be collapsing so I decided to finally dive in.
Wall Street Bear Discussion Board
Trashuries are “safe haven” because of liquidity
SDRman - Tue, Aug 2, 2011 - 06:34 PM
Treasuries are still the only place to get hundreds of billions out of the way and maintain a semblance of liquidity.