TRAP Law or TRAP Bill (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers)

A “TRAP law” or “TRAP bill” (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers) is a piece of legislation to limit the activities of abortion clinics. The term “TRAP” has been cited in print since at least 2001 and has been frequently used by pro-choice groups such as the National Abortion Federation and the Center for Reproductive Rights.
Wikipedia: TRAP law
A TRAP law (or TRAP bill) is legislation specifically designed to restrict abortion providers. TRAP is an acronym for Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers. The term is used mainly within the pro-choice movement.
National Abortion Federation
Targeted Regulation of Abortion Provider (TRAP) bills single out abortion clinics for unnecessary, politically motivated, restrictive regulations.
Center for Reproductive Rights
Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers (TRAP)
03.05.09 - 
Burdensome and Unnecessary Requirements Limit Access to Services
“TRAP” (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers) laws single out the medical practices of doctors who provide abortions, and impose on them requirements that are different and more burdensome than those imposed on other medical practices. For example, such regulations may require that abortions be performed in far more sophisticated and expensive facilities than are necessary to ensure the provision of safe procedures. Compliance with these physical plant requirements may require extensive renovations or be physically impossible in existing facilities. TRAP laws may also allow unannounced state inspections, even when patients are present. These excessive and unnecessary government regulations – an ever-growing trend among state legislatures – increase the cost and scarcity of abortion services, harming women’s health and inhibiting their reproductive choices.
Village Voice (New York, NY)
Limit Access, Stack the Court
The Right-Wing Map to Outlawing Abortion

By James Ridgeway Tuesday, Mar 6 2001
WASHINGTON, D.C.—For the first time since 1992, supporters of abortion rights are without a friend in the White House. Gone is the president who vetoed attempts to outlaw partial-birth abortion. In his place stands a commander in chief who, in one of his first official acts, moved to block U.S. funding of overseas family-planning agencies that dare to mention terminating unwanted pregnancies.
Now attorneys for the Center for Reproductive Law and Policy are rushing to block similar restrictive laws in Texas, Arizona, and Michigan. Sixteen states and Puerto Rico have these Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers laws, which attempt to scare off doctors and first-trimester patients. They include rules that allow state officials to copy and remove patient records. Some of the laws subject abortion clinic doctors and staff to criminal and civil penalties.
Google Groups:
Followup-To: alt.activism.d
From: estelle jelinek
Date: 10 Mar 2001 22:48:45 -0600
Local: Sat, Mar 10 2001 11:48 pm
Subject: Abortion Under Attack
Just before the March 10 National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers, the US Supreme Court has let stand a South Carolina law that places medically unnecessary requirements on abortion providers in an effort to drive them out of business or make abortions prohibitively expensive for many patients. South Carolina’s regulations, like TRAP (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers) laws
in 36 other states, single out abortion providers for costly requirements not imposed upon similar health care providers who do not perform abortions.
Google Groups: alt.feminism
Newsgroups: alt.feminism
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Chive Mynde)
Date: 10 Jul 2001 16:19:51 -0700
Local: Tues, Jul 10 2001 6:19 pm
Subject: U.S. District Judge Halts TRAP Enforcement
July 10, 2001
U.S. District Judge Halts TRAP Enforcement
Last week, U.S. District Judge Henry Herlong issued a temporary restraining order against the enforcement of South Carolina’s Regulation 61-12, a “Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers.” The restraining order is the latest development in a lawsuit filed against TRAP by two South Carolina abortion providers.
Google Groups:
Followup-To: alt.activism.d
From: Peter Phillips

Date: 9 May 2002 21:38:10 -0500
Local: Thurs, May 9 2002 9:38 pm
Subject: Censored Alerts
GATS and the Privatization of Everything!
Excerpted from
“The Last Frontier”
The Ecologist
February, 2001
Maude Barlow
These legal ordinances are known as TRAP laws. TRAP stands for Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers. These laws regulate everything except the abortion procedure itself. While called women’s health laws, they are seldom applied to any medical facility other than abortion clinics. In effect, these laws are prohibiting abortions even though they are still legal. In the words of one right-to-life leader, the idea is to create an environment “where abortion may indeed be perfectly legal, but no one can get one.”