Trader Hoe’s (Trader Joe’s nickname)

Entry in progress—B.P.
Trader Joe’s
Wikipedia: Trader Joe’s
Trader Joe’s is a privately held chain of specialty grocery stores headquartered in Monrovia, California in Greater Los Angeles. As of May 2013, Trader Joe’s had a total of 399 stores. Approximately half of its stores are in California, with the heaviest concentration in Southern California, but the company also has locations in 30 other states and Washington, D.C..
Trader Joe’s was founded by Joe Coulombe and has been owned since 1979 by a German family trust established by Aldi Nord’s owner Theo Albrecht. The chain has offices in Monrovia, California and Boston, Massachusetts.
Notorious A.T.E.
went out to brunch then to Trader Hoe’s for groceries. hoping to take a nap to make up for no sleep.
4:29 PM - 20 Jan 07
Lei Ann
eating my most favorite thing from trader ho’s - tuna in yellow curry…mmm mmm good!
8:32 PM - 14 May 07
whore foods + trader hoes
8:23 PM - 15 Sep 13