“Trade wars are tariffying” (tariff + terrifying)

“Tariffying” )tariff + terrifying) is a political portmanteau word that has been infrequently used. “Merely tariffying a country like that is never going to terrify it!” was printed in The Auto: The Motorist’s Pictorial in 1919. “TARRIFYING, The duties in the tariff bill are certainly tariffic” was printed in the Brooklyn (NY) Daily Eagle on June 2, 1922.
“Trade wars are tariffying! #tariff #SteelTariffs” was posted on Twitter by paul stack on March 8, 2018. “All this talk of trade wars… It’s just Tariffying” was posted on Reddit—Jokes on August 3, 2018.
Wikipedia: Tariff
A tariff is a tax on imports or exports between sovereign states.
Google Books 
The Auto: The Motorist’s Pictorial
Volume 24
Pg. 887:
... per day, and the money and time to enable it to show that its own high-class product is every bit as perfect as ours, although it is turned out at the rate of 350,000 per annum—well, merely tariffying a country like that is never going to terrify it!
2 June 1922, Brooklyn (NY) Daily Eagle, pg. 1, col. 2:
The duties in the tariff bill are certainly tariffic.
13 March 1976, (New Orleans, LA), “News of the Week in Review” by Howard Jacobs, sec. 3, pg. 7, col. 2:
While nobody likes to pay more taxes, this particular measure doesn’t seem to be so tariffying.
13 February 1975, Honolulu (HI) Advertiser, Howard Case’s “Down to Cases,” pg. A-15, col. 2:
Memo from C.K.S>: “The proposed duty on imported oil is tariffying folks here in Hawaii.”
5 November 1993, Financial Post (Toronto, ON), “GATT end-game could pit Bloc against Reform” by William Watson, pg. 11:
GATT sees through this transparent duplicity and is having nothing of it. Our import quotas will be “tariffied” - that is replaced by equivalent tariffs that must then gradually be eliminated - just like everyone else’s. Tariffying terrifies our farmers.
Google Groups: alt.humor.puns
Balance of payments
Robert E. Lewis
Stan Kegel

wrote in message
> Restricting imports is our duty.
A tariffying thought.
Missio Mafia
Stolen from a friend: Donald Trump’s threats of starting a trade war are Tariffying.
7:08 PM - 3 Mar 2018
Trevor Noah Broke Down Trump’s Trade War, Call of Duty Style
MARCH 06, 2018 3:22 PM
Hang on indeed, but keep in mind that, of all Trump’s threats, this is still one of the least terrifying (tariffying?).
paul stack
Trade wars are tariffying! #tariff #SteelTariffs
5:06 PM - 8 Mar 2018
RGSG Economics
https://www.economist.com/news/briefing/21738392-america-setting-dangerous-new-precedents-it-tries-curb-imports-looming-global-trade?fsrc=scn/tw/te/bl/ed/theloomingglobaltradewaratarifficallybadidea …
Tariffying - this is a superb article on where we have reached with the US-led trade war, and what might happen. My favourite quote: “We can also do stupid”.
4:38 AM - 11 Mar 2018
Malfunctioning Robot
This trade war with China is tariffying
9:52 AM - 10 Apr 2018
real-ass dude
This trade war is Tariffying
12:33 AM - 17 Apr 2018
Will Americans caught up in trade war view Trump as tariffic or tariffying?
Ronald Brownstein
The GOP counts on rural/small town seats as its firewall in House. But in #TrumpTradeWar “The total value of this year’s U.S. corn, soybean and wheat crops has dropped about $13 billion, or 10%, since the start of June” WSJ reports. And more tariffs to come
11:12 AM - 2 Jul 2018
All this talk of trade wars…
submitted August 3, 2018 by Bulletproofmonk
It’s just Tariffying
Living Sarcasm
All this talk of trade wars…
It’s just Tariffying
10:02 AM - 3 Aug 2018