“Too many people miss the silver lining because they’re expecting gold”

“Too many people miss the silver lining because they’re expecting gold” is an inspirational saying that has been printed on many images. The expression “every cloud has a silver lining” means that there is good even in a bad situation, but some people miss that good (“silver”) by expecting even better (“gold”).
“Too many people miss the silver lining because they are expecting gold” was printed in the Jackson (TN) Sun on November 13, 1956. The saying is from Maurice Seitter (whose last name is often misspelled as “Setter”). 
Wikipedia: Silver lining (idiom)
A silver lining is a metaphor for optimism in the common English-language which means a negative occurrence may have a positive aspect to it.
The origin of the phrase is most likely traced to John Milton’s “Comus” (1634) with the lines,
Was I deceiv’d, or did a sable cloud
Turn forth her silver lining on the night?

13 November 1956, Jackson (TN) Sun, pg. 4, col. 1:
Too many people miss the silver lining because they are expecting gold.
1 January 1957, The Clarion Ledger (Jackson, MS), “Hew-itt to the Line” by Purser Hewitt, pg. 16, col. 1:
ooO many people miss the silver lining because they’re expecting gold.
- Maurice Seitter
29 March 1957, Harlan (IA) Tribune, “Squealer ‘Fresh’ Feed Facts” by Dale Thorngren, pg. 14, col. 1 ad:
Sqff says: “Too many people miss the silver lining because they are expecting gold.”
Google Books
New Treasury of Stories for Every Speaking and Writing Occasion
By Jacob Morton Braude
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall
Pg. 80:
Too many people miss the silver lining because they’re expecting gold. — MAURICE SEITTER
9 March 1963, Atlanta (GA) Constitution, “Silver Thread With the Gold” by Leo Aikman, pg. 4, col. 5:
All of which reminds me, I like this: “Too many people miss the silver lining because they’re expecting gold.”
3 April 1992, The Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA), “Celebrity Cypher” puzzle, pg. 4C, col. 3:
PREVIOUS SOLUTION: “Too many people miss the silver lining because they’re expecting gold.”—Maurice Seitter
“Too many people miss the silver lining because they’re expecting gold.” ~Maurice Setter
11:27 AM - 14 Oct 2009
Google Books
Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts:
Seven Questions to Ask Before—and After—You Marry

By Les and Leslie Parrott
Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan
Pg. ?:
Too many people miss the silver lining because they’re expecting gold.
Maurice Seitter
Tim Fargo
Too many people miss the silver lining because they’re expecting gold. - Maurice Setter #quote via @Fsonnenberg
3:31 AM - 17 Jun 2018