“To be a successful fisherman you should get there yesterday when the fish were biting”

Fishermen often find that the fish were biting—yesterday.   
“‘You Ought to Have Been Here Yesterday’ is the Fisherman’s Advice” was printed in the Buffalo (NY) Commercial on July 18, 1905. “HAM CLAY, JR., editor of the Dakota County Tribune (Farmington) is acquiring wisdom: ‘This fishing business is so simple. All you have to do is get there yesterday when the fish were biting’” was printed in the Minneapolis (MN) Star on July 1, 1950. “‘This fishing business is simple—all you have to do is get there yesterday when the fish were biting.’ —Hamilton Clay Jr.” was printed in the New York (NY) Times on August 16, 1953.
“To be a successful fisherman you should get there yesterday when the fish were biting” was printed in 14,000 Quips & Quotes: For Speakers, Writers, Editors, Preachers, and Teachers (1993) by E. C. McKenzie. “To be successful at fishing, you should get there yesterday, when the fish were biting. #imjustsayin” was posted on Twitter by Troy Johnson on January 27, 2010. “RT @funnyoneliners: To be successful at fishing, you should get there yesterday, when the fish were biting” was posted on Twitter by Dennis Who? on December 26, 2011.
18 July 1905, Buffalo (NY) Commercial, pg. 12, col. 2:
“You Ought to Have Been Here Yes-
terday” is the Fisherman’s Advice.

Jim. who is noted for his large fish catches—Fishing is good, Jack, at Surecatch’s place.
Jack. who never catches a mess—I’ll go there tomorrow.
Jim. two days later—Well, did you get a basketbfull?
Jack—No. Your friend said I ought to have been there yesterday when the fish were biting.
1 July 1950, Minneapolis (MN) Star, “The Minnesota Press,” pg. 8, col. 5:
HAM CLAY, JR., editor of the Dakota County Tribune (Farmington) is acquiring wisdom: “This fishing business is so simple. All you have to do is get there yesterday when the fish were biting.”
21 September 1950, Emerson (NE) Tri-County Press, pg. 8, col. 3:
We have found out how you can make every fishing trip a great success. All you have to do is get there yesterday when the fish were biting.
2 November 1950, Chicago (IL) Daily Tribune, “In the Wake of the News” by Arch Ward, pt. 6, pg. 1, col. 2:
So That’s It
Here’s a simple rule for fishermen:
[‘Tis a sport that is most inviting]
Just do your fishing yesterday
When the fish were biting.
—Lola Myrtle
16 August 1953, New York (NY) Times, “Holidays With Pay” compiled by Frances Rodman, Magazine sec., pg. 14, col. 2:
“This fishing business is simple—all you have to do is get there yesterday when the fish were biting.”
Hamilton Clay Jr.
Google Books
The Speechmaker’s Complete Handbook:
A storehouse of colorful, point-making material and complete planning guide for public speakers

By Edward L. Friedman
New York, NY: Harper
Pg. 310:
After-dinner speaking is a lot like fishing. There is nothing in the world as easy as being a successful fisherman. All you have to do is get there yesterday when the fish were biting.
Google Books
The Life of the Party:
A new collection of stories and anecdotes

By Bennett Cerf
Garden City, NY: Doubleday
Pg. 265:
“Fishing is simplicity itself,” explains Hamilton Clay, Jr. “All you have to do is get there yesterday when the fish were biting.”
Google Books
14,000 Quips & Quotes:
For Speakers, Writers, Editors, Preachers, and Teachers

By E. C. McKenzie
Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House
1993, ©1980
Pg. 181:
To be a successful fisherman you should get there yesterday when the fish were biting.
Troy Johnson
To be successful at fishing, you should get there yesterday, when the fish were biting. #imjustsayin
6:53 PM · Jan 27, 2010
Scott Eddy
To be successful at fishing, you should get there yesterday, when the fish were biting.
1:48 PM · Mar 10, 2010
Jay Link
@mrskutcher To be successful at fishing, you should get there yesterday, when the fish were biting.
5:13 PM · May 30, 2010
Dennis Who?
RT @funnyoneliners: To be successful at fishing, you should get there yesterday, when the fish were biting.
8:48 AM · Dec 26, 2011
Abacha Alert
RT @funnyoneliners: To be successful at fishing, you should get there yesterday, when the fish were biting. @TiaunDetector @GRAMMARPo_oLICE
8:55 AM · Dec 26, 2011
Google Books
5,000 Great One Liners
Edited by Grant Tucker
London, UK: Biteback Publishing
Pg. ?:
To be successful at fishing you should get there yesterday, when the fish were biting
Hank Okonski
”@CauseWereHuman: To be successful at fishing, you should get there yesterday, when the fish were biting.”
@Z4braham20 @anomgrom
6:28 PM · Mar 21, 2012
To be a successful fisherman you should get there yesterday when the fish were biting. (quotes from E.C. McKenzie) http://tinyurl.com/agapqh5
9:28 PM · Jun 15, 2013
Funny One Liners
To be successful at fishing, you should get there yesterday, when the fish were biting.
1:30 AM · Oct 28, 2014
Larry B. Ahrens
Sign at the sporting goods store: “To be successful at fishing you should get there yesterday, when the fish were biting.”
5:53 PM · May 5, 2015
Laugh A Day
“To be successful at fishing, you should get there yesterday, when the fish were biting.”
5:29 AM · Mar 2, 2017
Funny Jokes
“To be successful at fishing, you should get there yesterday, when the fish were biting.”
7:39 AM · Apr 5, 2018
Gary Smith
To be successful at fishing,
you should get there yesterday,
when the fish were biting.
5:44 AM · Dec 9, 2022
Indian Hills Community Sign
June 21, 2023 at 12:35 PM ·
(The following text is shown on a sign.—ed.)