“‘Tiny House Community’ is just hipster lingo for ‘Mobile Home Park’”

“Tiny house community” is a 2000s term for people living in smaller houses. “Tiny House Communities DO exist. We call them mobile home parks” was posted on Twitter on January 9, 2013. “I’ve never heard the phrase ‘Tiny House Community’. When I was a kid I lived in a mobile home park—the mobile” was posted on Twitter on May 29, 2014.
“‘Tiny House Community’ is just Hipster lingo for ‘Mobile Home Park’” was posted on Reddit—Shower Thoughts on May 1, 2018.
Laura Moncur
Tiny House Communities DO exist. We call them mobile home parks. http://pinterest.com/pin/67905906853558677/
12:04 PM - 9 Jan 2013
📚 Janet 🏳️‍🌈
Replying to @imrubyruby
@imrubyruby @the_eumelia I’ve never heard the phrase “Tiny House Community”. When I was a kid I lived in a mobile home park—the mobile
12:08 PM - 29 May 2014
Question: What’s the difference between a tiny house community and a mobile home community? Answer: Mumford & Sons
4:58 AM - 17 Jun 2015 from Portland, OR
Remember when “tiny house communities” were called “mobile home parks”?
12:03 PM - 22 Jul 2017
Trey Lathe
Hmm, seems like the logical conclusion of the regular toast to “artisan” toast, mobile home park to “tiny house community” other such trends of fetishizing old (and often poor) ways
Who knew a person living in a mobile home w/ untreated water eating toast was ahead of the curve?Trey Lathe added,
Kelly Hills
Man, this is a public health nightmare just waiting to happen. There are people in extreme poverty who’d give anything for American access to clean water on demand, and we have… these people. 😐 https://nyti.ms/2EeITEa
11:19 PM - 3 Jan 2018 from San Francisco, CA
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
“Tiny House Community” is just Hipster lingo for “Mobile Home Park”.
submitted May 1, 2018 by SkankyVonBitchersson
I’ve spent time in both. The similarities pretty much end at small & mobile. Tiny house communities are great, mobile home parks are crap.
“Tiny House Community” is just Hipster lingo for “Mobile Home Park”.
10:03 AM - 1 May 2018