Ticker-tape Parade

New York City is known for its “ticker-tape parades,” usually on the “Avenue of Heroes” (Fifth Avenue) or on the “Canyon of Heroes” (Broadway in Lower Manhattan). Ticker-tape was used in stock market quotations; although no longer so used, ticker-tape is ordered for modern celebrations to continue the tradition.
“Ticker-tape” celebrations in New York date to at least October 1884. The spontaneous celebration of October 28, 1886 for the dedication of the Statue of Liberty is usually regarded as the first “ticker-tape parade.” The term “ticker-tape parade,” however, is cited in print from at least 1928.
[This entry was prepared with the assistance of Bill Mullins of the American Dialect Society.]
Wikipedia: Ticker-tape parade
A ticker-tape parade is a parade event held in a built-up urban setting, allowing large amounts of shredded paper to be thrown from nearby office buildings onto the parade route, creating a celebratory effect by the snowstorm-like flurry. The concept originates from the United States and is most usually associated with that country, and especially New York City.
The term originated in New York City after a spontaneous celebration held on October 28, 1886 during the dedication of the Statue of Liberty, and is still most closely associated with New York City. The term ticker-tape originally referred to the use of the paper output of ticker tape machines, which were remotely-driven devices used in brokerages to provide updated stock market quotes. Nowadays, the paper products are largely waste office paper that have been cut using conventional paper shredders. The city also distributes paper confetti.
In New York City, ticker-tape parades are reserved for special occasions. Soon after the first such parade in 1886, city officials realized the utility of such events and began to hold them on triumphal occasions, such as the return of Theodore Roosevelt from his African safari, Gertrude Ederle swimming the English Channel, and Charles Lindbergh’s trans-Atlantic flight. Following World War II, several ticker tape parades were given in honor of victorious generals and admirals, including General Dwight D. Eisenhower and Admiral Chester Nimitz.
Wikipedia: List of ticker-tape parades in New York City
The following is a list of ticker-tape parades in New York City. Such parades are traditionally held in the “Canyon of Heroes”.
October 28 - Statue of Liberty dedication (impromptu).
April 29 - George Washington inaugural centenary.
September 30 - Admiral Dewey, following return from Manila.
21 October 1884, New York (NY) Times, “Pleading for Blaine,” pg. 2, col. 2:
They were loudly cheered as they advanced up Broadstreet, and were showered with “ticker” tape from the various brokers’ offices.
15 October 1928, Washington (DC) Post, pg. 2, col. 4:
Mayor Walker’s Envoy Will Meet Zeppelin in Air-Approach to
City on the Macom, and Ticker Tape Parade Up Broadway on Program.

2 August 1933, Springfield (MA) Republican, pg. 10, col. 4:
Mollisons And Mattern Receive
Formal Greetings at New York
Ticker Tape Parade For the English Fliers With Motor-
cycle Sirens Shrieking Their Loudest Precedes
Luncheon With Advertising Club

10 August 1934, Seattle (WA) Daily News, “They’ve Got to Get License; It’s Just an Old City Law,” pg. 4, col. 3:
Action on the measure was decided upon after city officials realized that business district streets during the campaign season resembled Fifth Avenue in New York after a “ticker-tape parade.”