“Those whom the gods love they let live in Texas”

“Those whom the gods love they let live in Texas” is a proverb cited in a 1904 book (below). Other citations for this proverb have not been found; however, other citations for another proverb listed in this same passage have been found.
Google Books
From the Alamo to San Jacinto
or, The Grito

a novel by Moncure Lyne
New York, NY: R. F. Fenno & Company
Pg. 11:
The Mexicans are a people of proverbs. Like seaweed on the ocean of their polite speeches, whose surf seldom touches any grain of sincerity, float numerous adages, some of which attract attention, as, “Those whom the gods love they let live in Texas;” and that other maxim voicing the sentiment that, “Having once tasted the waters of the San Antonio River, one will return to quaff more.”