
“Thirstday” is a drinking slang name for a day of the week. “Thirstday” usually (but not always) occurs on a Thursday, when many college parties start the weekend. Drinks on this day are often at a reduced price. “Thirst-day” has been cited in print since at least 1873.
Other slang names for days of the week include Shunday, Sober Sunday, Margarita Monday, Messed-up Monday, Mojito Monday, Moonshine Monday, Boozeday Tuesday, Taco Tuesday, Tanked Tuesday, Tasty Tuesday, Tequila Tuesday, Tipsy Tuesday, Trashed Tuesday, Twisted Tuesday, Wasted Wednesday, Whiskey Wednesday, Wiener Wednesday, Wine Wednesday, Winesday Wednesday, Wing Wednesday, Thirsday, Thirsty Thursday, Fajita Friday, Fucked-up Friday, Shit-faced Saturday, Sloppy Saturday, Sloshed Saturday and Smashed Saturday.
Urban Dictionary
the day of the week that was formerly known as Thursday or even “thirsty Thursday”. A combination of the two to form a much easier word. Orgin- THE Michigan State University
“you better be going out tonight, its Thirstday”
by A. DUKE Aug 30, 2007
6 July 1873, San Antonio (TX) Daily Express, pg. 3, col. 1:
Judying from the way, the lager at the Springs flowed, we thought it was a thirst-day in Fe-brewery.
29 April 1878, Petersburg (VA) Index-Appeal, pg. 3, col. 1:
What a preparation for
22 May 1887, The Daily Inter Ocean (Chicago, IL), “Scissored Sharps,” pg. 12, col. 7:
Tid Bits: Sunday in New York is becoming known as Thirst-day.
13 March 1968, Iowa City (IA) Press-Citizen, “A Chat With Pat,” pg. 9A, col. 8:
THIS IS AN Alcoholic’s week: Rumday, Boozeday, Winesday, Thirstday, Ryeday, and Shatterday. He makes no observance of Shunday.
26 April 1968, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans, LA), “Highway Deaths Increase” by Clayton Rand, sec. 3, pg. 4, col. 5:
Frank Filley suggests for alcoholics’ week: Rumday, Boozeday, Winesday, Thirstday, Ryeday, Shatterday, and Shunday.
9 January 1986, Los Angeles (CA) Times, pg. OC-C6:
“Thirstday Night Toast,” a weekly meeting sponsored by the Orange County AdClub. 5:30 pm at Ravels in The Registry Hotel in Irvine.
Google Books
Einstein’s Monsters
By Martin Amis
New York, NY: Vintage Books
Pg. 112:
There were seven to chose from (all different now, all sad days, since the dog): Shunday, Moanday, Tearsday, Woundsday, Thirstday, Fireday, Shatterday.
Google Books
Cyril Connolly:
A Nostalgic Life

By Clive Fisher
London: Macmillan
Pg. 350:
‘Munchday, Chewsday, Say-When-s Day, Thirstday, Fried-day, Batter- day, Bunday.’
New York (NY) Times
How Thursday Became the New Friday
Published: November 6, 2005
Many students are so accustomed to a four-day week they cannot imagine life any other way. The weekend begins on Thursday night - known as “thirstday” in some circles at the University of Arizona and Arizona State. At Duke, the Malt Liquor Thursday party is a decade-old tradition. Stanford seniors gather for Pub Night at a different bar every Thursday.
Google Books
From Binge to Blackout:
A Mother and Son Struggle With Teen Drinking

By Chris Volkmann and Toren Volkmann
New York, NY: New American Library
Pg. ?:
Some students call Thursday “Thirsty Thursday” or just plain “Thirstday,” implying a party atmosphere on Thursday nights that would preclude serious class work on Fridays.