“THINK before you text, tweet, facebook. Is it true, hurtful, illegal, necessary and kind?”

A “THINK” poster from a backronym of five words—“Is it True, Hurtful, Illegal, Necessary, Kind?”—was produced by the Waterloo Region of Ontario, Canada, to help combat cyber-bullying on sites such as Facebook and Twitter. The THINK campaign backronym has been cited in print since at least November 2012.
Smart on Crime in the Waterloo Region (Ontario, Canada)
November 29, 2012
Where, oh where, has civility gone”
Submitted by Frank Johnson
Look what happened with Amanda Todd. Online bullies were able to create a world of hell for her. Only too late are we realizing the power of a few keystrokes to hurt and maim. The Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council has partnered with the Waterloo Catholic District School Board on its THINK campaign that asks people to use the following screen prior to sending a text:
T - Is it True
H - Is it Hurtful
I - Is it Illegal
N - Is it Necessary
K - Is it Kind
The Observer—Extra (Elmira, Ontario)
Police launch anti-bullying contest for region’s youth
by Will Sloan
February 22, 2013
“Stand Up, Speak Out” is not the only recent attempt to combat the changing face of bullying. In November, the Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council launched “Project THINK,” which encouraged students to think before posting anything harmful on social media (the acronym stands for, “is it True, Hurtful, Illegal, Necessary, Kind?”). This program, which began at St. Mary’s High School in Kitchener, supplied students with blue elastics to tie around their phones, as a reminder to follow the THINK guidelines.
Cashton ✌‏
T. H. I. N. K. >> true? hurtful? illegal? necessary? kind? Think before you text. http://instagr.am/p/WqA9lXjGir/
5:47 AM - 10 Mar 13
THINK before you text, tweet, facebook. Is it true, hurtful, illegal, necessary and kind? pic.twitter.com/RXn6fvOu4a
9:13 AM - 11 May 13