“There is no First Amendment without the Second Amendment”

“There is no First Amendment without the Second Amendment” is a popular saying among Americans against gun control legislation. The American Revolution was fought with guns; the Second Amendment (the right to keep and bear arms) guarantees the First Amendment (freedom of speech and assembly).
“George Mason (one of the above authors of the Bill of Rights) stated that you can’t maintain the First Amendment without the Second Amendment to enforce it” was cited in 1993. “There would be no First Amendment without the Second Amendment” was cited in 2008. “There is No First Amendment Without a Second Amendment” was the title of a 2011 article by Alan Caruba.
Bumper sticker sayings include:
. There wouldn’t be a FIRST amendment without the SECOND!
. The First Amendment grants Freedom of Speech. THE SECOND GUARANTEES IT!
Google News Archive
2 December 1993, Times-News (Hendersonville, NC), “letters,” pg. 12A, col. 4:‎
George Mason (one of the above authors of the Bill of Rights) stated that you can’t maintain the First Amendment without the Second Amendment to enforce it.
Sam Summey
Flat Rock
11 July 2008, Dallas (TX) Morning News, “Letters to the Editor”:‎
There would be no First Amendment without the Second Amendment. The right to keep and bear arms is not just for hunting and target shooting, but to guarantee that a free people remain free.
Fred Stevens, Sanger
Action Institute Power Blog
Guns, the Right to Life, and International Moral Consensus
posted by JORDAN J. BALLOR on WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 2008
As Mike Huckabee was wont to say, we wouldn’t have the First Amendment without the Second.
Posted: Nov 30 2009, 11:11 AM
There is a reason the first amendment is the right to free speech and the second one is the right to defend yourself. The first right will not exist without the second one.
There is no first amendment without the second amendment.
Canada Free Press
There is No First Amendment Without a Second Amendment
Alan Caruba
Saturday, July 2, 2011
The Founding Fathers were so aware of the need for an armed citizenry that, after ensuring freedom of religion, speech, press and the right to peacefully assemble in the First Amendment, the Second guaranteed their right to bear arms.
Fellowship of the Minds
Obama presidency triggered a 755% increase in number of militias
Posted on March 13, 2012 by Dr. Eowyn | 4 Comments
There is no First Amendment without the Second Amendment.
Alan Caruba reminds us that the first Americans won their independence from England with the force of arms. It was, in fact, a British effort in 1775 to confiscate military arms they believed were stored in Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts, which sparked the Revolutionary War.
Michael Hamilton
@MMFlint there is NO freedom without the ability to fight for it. There is no first amendment without the second amendment
1:55 PM - 14 Dec 12