“There are two types of windows—windows that leak and windows that will leak”

Joseph Lstiburek is a forensic engineer; EcoHome magazine called him the “father of building science.” Lstiburek wrote in Fine Homebuilding (April/May 2004):
“There are only two kinds of windows in the world: windows that leak now and windows that will leak later.”
Lstiburek’s line has been popular in the building industry.
Wikipedia: Joseph Lstiburek
Joseph Lstiburek /ˈstiːbrɪk/, B.A.Sc., M.Eng., Ph.D., P.Eng., is a forensic engineer who investigates building failures. His authority on moisture-related building problems and indoor air quality is internationally recognized. His work as a consultant, author, and speaker has influenced building codes and standards in every climate zone.
EcoHome magazine called him the “father of building science,” and Fast Company magazine referred to him as “the Sherlock Holmes of construction”. The Wall Street Journal states he is widely recognized as “the dean of North American building science.”
Fine Homebuilding (April/May 2004)
Pg. 52:
Built Wrong from the Start
Top 10 blunders that rot your house, waster your money, and make you sick

Pg. 55:
There are only two kinds of windows in the world: windows that leak now and windows that will leak later. The only things that leak more than windows are doors.
JLC Online Forums
Window Comparisons
Bob Piwko
05-25-2004, 03:08 PM
I strongly believe that there are two kinds of windows. Those that leak, and those that are going to leak.
JLC Online Forums
picture framing w/hardie siding-what to use around windows
Bill Robinson
04-19-2007, 05:54 PM
There are two types of windows according to Joe Lstibruek, ones that leak and ones that are going to leak.
Google Books
Retooling the U.S. Housing Industry:
How It Got Here, Why It’s Broken, and How to Fix It

By Sam Rashkin
Clifton Park, NY: Cengage Learning
World-renowned building science expert Joe Lstiburek has many famous lines including, “there are two types of windows, those that leak, and those that will leak.” is obvious point is that all windows leak.
Reader comment “Remember the old saying ‘There are two types of windows-windows that leak & windows that will leak.’” http://bit.ly/1BK9eTL
12:40 PM - 22 Aug 2014