“There are no jobs on a dead planet”

“There are no jobs on a dead planet” is an environmentalist saying that has been printed on many images. The saying disagrees with the philosophy of some that saving the environment kills jobs.
“Ultimately all jobs are at stake; for there can be no jobs on a polluted, dead planet” was in an editorial printed in the St. Petersburg (FL) Times on January 12, 1971. “In Portland, an oversized replica of a spotted owl with a banner reading, ‘There are no jobs on a dead planet,’ was placed in a tree outside Hatfield’s office (Oregon Senator Mark Hatfield .—ed.)” was printed in the Statesman Journal (Salem, OR) on September 7, 1989, and this story was also published in the Associated Press. “There are no jobs on a dead planet” appeared in many other news stories in the 1990s and has been a frequently used slogan in the environmental movement.
Julia “Judy” Bonds (1952-2011), a director of Coal River Mountain Watch who has been called “the godmother of the anti-mountaintop removal movement,” did use the slogan by at least 2008, but there is no evidence that she used it first.
12 January 1971, St. Petersburg (FL) Times, “One Job, All Jobs” (editorial), pg. 8-A, col. 2:
Companies must adapt or they and their jobs must cease. Ultimately all jobs are at stake; for there can be no jobs on a polluted, dead planet.
7 September 1989, Statesman Journal (Salem, OR), “5 arrested at Hatfield office; Protesters oppose timber legislation” by Christine Decker,  pg. 3C, col. 2:
In Portland, an oversized replica of a spotted owl with a banner reading, “There are no jobs on a dead planet,” was placed in a tree outside Hatfield’s office.
(Oregon Senator Mark Hatfield.—ed.)
Google Books
Coming of Age in the Global Village:
The science & technology, politics, economics, environment & ethics literacy book

By Stephen P. Cook
Russellville, AR: Parthenon Books
Pg. 94:
So by 1989, radical environmentalists would be photographed demonstrating in front of a multinational timber company with a banner reading, ‘There are no jobs on a dead planet”.
23 April 1990, The Oregonian (Portland, OR), “200 Million Earthlings Pay Respect to Planet: Thousands of Oregonians join the celebration and promise to stop their polluting ways” by Diane Dulken, pg. A1:
“There are no jobs on a dead planet.”
12 April 1991, Morning Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA), “Owls and salmon are just the beginning of jobs vs. wildlife” by David Foster (AP), pg. 14A, col. 6:
“There are no jobs on a dead planet,” he (Andy Kerr, conservation director of the Oregon Natural Resources Council—ed.) said.
Google Books
Uncommissioned Art:
An A-Z of Australian Graffiti

BY Christine Dew
Carlton, Victoria: Miegunyah Press
Pg. 120:
The messages read: ‘Save the Tarkine’: ‘No jobs on a dead planet’: ‘Why log our .-. it catchments?’: and ‘Wood Corporate S vs water (your $)’.
April/May 2008, Mother Earth News, “Americans Who Tell The Truth” by Robert Shetterly, pg. 70:
“In southern West Virginia we live in a war zone. [Coal mining companies are using] 3.5 million pounds of explosives ... every day to blow up the mountains. Blasting our communities, blasting our homes, poisoning us, trying to intimidate us. I don’t mind being poor. I mind being blasted and poisoned. There ARE no jobs on a dead planet.”
Judy Bonds Social Justice Activist for Coal River Mountain Watch, 1952-
Australia: Emissions trading at centre of high-stakes game: “NO JOBS on a dead planet.” Those words used to ador.. http://twurl.nl/ibrzbx
11:08 AM - 23 Mar 2009
RT @ForestPolicy: First Ancient Forest Defending Tree Village http://bit.ly/qyxDY - Like this quote “you will find no jobs on a dead planet”
3:04 AM - 4 Jun 2009
Google Books
Quiet No More:
New Political Activism in Canada and Around the Globe

By Joel D. Harden
Toronto, ON: James Lorimer & Company Ltd, Publishers
Pg. 69:
As an old adage goes, there are no jobs on a dead planet; to avoid catastrophe, scientists claim 80 per cent of the planet’s carbon reserves must stay in the ground.
No Jobs on a Dead Planet? Sean Sweeney
Peter Murry
Published on Sep 14, 2016
No Jobs on a Dead Planet? What Does the Paris Agreement on Climate Change Mean for Trade Unions and What Should We Call for from the Government?
Campaign against Climate Change Trade Union Group fringe meeting at TUC congress 2016
People’s World
“No jobs on a dead planet”: A just transition to the new economy
October 25, 2017 10:30 AM CDT BY ERIC A. GORDON
ST. LOUIS—Here at the AFL-CIO Convention, a majority of the four days we have together is devoted to discussing the wellbeing of the current labor movement. As it should and needs to be.
‘There are no jobs on a dead planet’ – Eamon Ryan
Aisling Kiernan
May 2, 2019, 11:07am
Deputy Eamon Ryan, Green Party leader, told those gathered at a conference on the environment and ‘Just Transition’ earlier this week that: “There are no jobs on a dead planet.”
Lynn Perrin
There are NO jobs on a dead planet! #cdnpoli #bcpoli #transmountain https://twitter.com/JustinTrudeau/status/1128001460518760448
3:01 PM - 13 May 2019