“The worst lead in hockey is a two-goal lead”

A two-goal lead has been called the most dangerous lead in ice hockey. The team with the lead often relaxes and lets the other team back into the game with just one goal. Does the team with the lead continue to play agressively on offense or does it employ a defensive stance?
The saying “a two-goal lead is the most confusing in hockey” has been cited in print since at least 1986. it’s not known if any particular person coined the saying.
Why is a two goal lead considered the most dangerous lead in a game of hockey?
It considered the most dangerouse lead in a game because it’s more then enough to win easily, the opposition see a change to catch up (after 3 or 4 teh opposition usually quites trying), finaly, the team with the lead may start to slack because they think they have the game in the bag (and 2 goals can be scored in less the two minutes to tie the game, then the momentume will be for the opposition)
1 May 1986, Philadelphia (PA) Inquirer, “Calgary’s fluke goal ends Oilers’ Stanley Cup reign,” pg. C1:
Then the Flames stalled, again showing that a two-goal lead is the most confusing in hockey. Does a team continue to be aggressive on offense or does it start playing a little extra defense?
New York (NY) Times
By ROBIN FINN, Special to the New York Times
Published: January 31, 1987
’‘I was happily surprised by the tie,’’ Gartner said, ‘‘because the Islanders played as well in the first period as I’ve seen a team play this year. But a two-goal lead is probably the toughest lead to protect in hockey. When you’re down 3-1, you’re not really looking to win; you’re looking to tie.’‘
12 April 1990, Worcester (MA) Telegram & Gazette, “B’s back in it after big rally”:
“A two-goal lead is the hardest lead to play with in the NHL,” said Poulin.
30 November 1991, Newsday (Long Island, NY), “Isles hang Tough for Win” by Mark herrman, pg. 79:     
And [Ray Ferraro], entangled with Rod Langway in front, tipped Uwe Krupp’s blue-line wrist shot home at 15:42 of the second, allowing his team to chuckle at the hockey bromide that says, psychologically, a two-goal lead is the toughest to protect.
24 April 1993, Frederick (MD) Post, “Islanders’ Ferraro has Caps in trouble,” pg. B3, col. 2:
“They always say a two-goal lead is the toughest lead (to defend) in hockey. And it was for us.”
(Washington Capitals forward Bob Carpenter—ed.)
25 April 1993, Buffalo (NY) News, “May’s series winner is a family affair” by Milt Northrop:
“By getting that third goal we might have had them take a back seat. We always say, a two-goal lead is the worst lead going into the third period.”
Google News Archive
15 October 1995, Toledo (OH) Blade, “Storm tightens defense, stops Columbus” by Steve Junga, pg. B2, col. 3:
“The worst lead in hockey is a two-goal lead.” said Puhalski of Teledo’s 4-2 edge entering the third.
15 November 1996, St. Albans (VT) Daily Messenger, “Give Whalers the lead and they’ll take the game” by Ken Rappoport (AP Hockey Writer), pg. 12, col. 1:
The Hartford Whalers have put to rest the old NHL theory that a two-goal lead is the hardest to hold in hockey.
29 October 1998, Columbus (G) Ledger-Enquirer, “Snakes Seeking Faster Start,” pg. C1: 
There’s an old hockey adage that says the worst lead is a two-goal advantage. That’s because once the trailing team scores a goal, the theory goes, the team that’s ahead starts getting nervous and plays tight.
Bleacher Report
Top Twenty Worst Hockey Cliches
By Alan Bass(Featured Columnist) on August 30, 2008
12. A two-goal lead is the most dangerous lead in hockey.
True.  I’d much rather be winning by one goal than two goals.  It’s safer.
Silver Seven
Stanley Cup playoffs, day 11: Calder Cup Edition
by Peter Raaymakers on Apr 23, 2011 12:00 PM EDT
I hate the “two goal lead” is the worst lead in hockey expression so much
It actually enrages me.
An Ottawa Senators supporter in Toronto, Ontario. I am cool like that.
by Adnan on Apr 23, 2011 2:21 PM EDT
Vancouver Sun
The Dreaded Two-Goal Lead: everyone gets an award nomination
Pass it to Bulis: Posted by Harrison Mooney
April 30, 2011
Canucks news comes fast and furious, and sometimes we find ourselves playing catchup. Thankfully, the Dreaded Two Goal Lead–often called “the worst lead in hockey”–is super easy to come back from. Everybody knows it’s a guaranteed death sentence for those that hold it. Well, much like an ice hockey team coming from two goals down, PITB will now effortlessly catch up.