“The wife wants me to sell my exercise bike because I ‘don’t use it’...”

Many people don’t use their exercise bikes. This joke was posted on Sickipedia on February 13, 2024:
“The wife wants me to sell my exercise bike because I ‘don’t use it’. How can she not see all the clothes on it?”
February 13, 2024 -Other-Random
The wife wants me to sell my exercise bike because I ‘don’t use it’.
How can she not see all the clothes on it?
Bob Kostic
The wife wants me to sell my exercise bike because I ‘don’t use it’.
How can she not see all the clothes on it?
6:43 PM · Feb 13, 2024
Tony Donovan
February 14, 2024 at 4:20 AM ·
The wife wants me to sell my exercise bike because I ‘don’t use it’...... Ffsake I use it just as much as the other clothes horse….. N shes keeping that