“The U.S. should add three more states. Because 53 is a prime number. Then they can truly be one nation, indivisible”

The U.S. Pledge of Allegiance states: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Some people suggest that the United States should add three states and have a total of 53 states,. “53” is a prime number and is “indivisible.” The suggestion has been cited in print since at least 2012.  A Star Trek meme of this joke was posted on Reddit—Mathmemes on May 8, 2021.
Wikipedia: Pledge of Allegiance
1954 (current version)
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Ian Parsons
November 9, 2012 at 9:50 AM · North Easton, Massachusetts ·
If we really want our country to be indivisible, I say we add 3 more states, that way we will have 53, which in a prime number
Michael Young
November 9, 2012 at 11:39 PM ·
So, if we’re going to be adding states, I think we should add 3, not just one. 53 is a prime number, so you know “One nation, under God, Indivisible.
I think we need to add three more states to the US. 53 is a solid prime number. “One nation. Indivisible..”
9:06 AM · May 18, 2013
She-Rage, Princess of Pain
What the US really needs to do is add three more states. 53 is a prime number, and then we will truly be “One nation, indivisible…”
4:08 PM · Oct 25, 2014
I think we need to add three more states so we have 53, a prime number. Then we will be one nation, indivisible.
10:26 PM · Nov 14, 2014
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It seems that if the U.S. wanted to be indivisible, they’d add three more states.
5:00 AM · Jul 8, 2015
David Broussard | M365 Architect
Heard today at #ITDevConnections. We should add three more states to the US because then we would be one nation, indivisible 🤠😂🤣
9:53 AM · Oct 17, 2018
Stop de kindermoord
“One nation, indivisible” is right there in the pledge. We should add three more states. Then another six.
Matthew Zeitlin
Sep 23, 2019
I’m convinced that if we had, like, 47 or 52 states, people would be more open to adding additional ones. 50 is just too good of a round number.
8:13 PM · Sep 23, 2019
David Kerr
Add three more states! Make American truly INDIVISIBLE. Make America one of the PRIME countries in the world.
12:53 AM · Sep 26, 2020
🦇 Richard Johnson 🦇
America needs to add three more states, why you ask?
53 is a prime number, then they can truly be one nation indivisible.
2:08 AM · Mar 15, 2021
Posted by u/ritesh_ratn May 8, 2021
If you know mathematics:-
(The following text is a Star Trek joke.—ed.)
Spock: The U.S. should add three more states.
Kirk: Why’s that?
Spock: Because 53 is a prime number. Then they can truly be one nation, indivisible.
Kirk: Fascinating…
things aron thought
We should add three more states so that we have 53 states and then we will truly be one nation. Indivisible
Cuz it’s a prime number
7:54 PM · Feb 28, 2023
End the Filibuster!☮️ 💔🌈🛶🚭🌊🇺🇦
If we add three more States, we will become truly indivisible, since 53 is a Prime Number!
3:50 PM · May 12, 2023
Michael Carducci
March 11, 2024 at 11:54 AM ·
Today’s Point To Ponder:
The U.S. should add 3 more states because 53 is a prime number and it would truly be one nation, indivisible.