“The toughest fades are the best trades”

Entry in progress—B.P.
Random Thoughts: Aren’t The Toughest Fades The Best Trades?
By Todd Harrison Nov 20, 2007 12:44 pm
•Aren’t the toughest fades the best trades?
Random Thoughts: Mercury Retrograde Won’t Leave Without a Fight
By Todd Harrison Oct 15, 2008 2:45 pm
Who was it that said the toughest fades are typically the best trades?
The Bulls and Bears Measure the Tape
By Todd Harrison Mar 22, 2011 10:00 am
There’s an old adage on the Street that the toughest fades are the best trades. “Fade,” in Wall Street parlance, refers to taking the other side of the prevalent price action, For instance, I faded (read: bought) the supply last Wednesday into S&P 1250, and yesterday faded (read: sold, or got short) the (low volume) rally into S&P 1300 (almost on the nose) with a tight stop on the other side of the 50-day moving average (S&P 1305).