“The most trusted name in news” (CNN slogan)

CNN, a 24-hour cable news network, began to use the slogan “The Most Trusted Name in News” in 2000 and 2002. A 2002 Pew Research Center Study was cited as the basis for the slogan in advertising that year.
More recent studies by Public Policy Polling show that other networks are more trusted for news than CNN.
“The most trusted name in fake news” is a parody on the slogan.
Wikipedia: CNN
The Cable News Network (CNN) is an American basic cable and satellite television channel that is owned by the Turner Broadcasting System division of Time Warner. The 24-hour cable news channel was founded in 1980 by American media proprietor Ted Turner. Upon its launch, CNN was the first television channel to provide 24-hour news coverage, and was the first all-news television channel in the United States.
The Most Trusted Name in News
“Once again, CNN is rated as the most credible television news source…”—Pew Study 2002
23 August 2000, The Wall Street Journal (New York, NY), pg. A19 full page ad:
America Cast Its Vote for the
Most Trusted Name in News

Google News Archive
24 August 2002, Pittsburgh (PA) Post-Gazette, “TV Notes,” pg. C-9, col. 2:
The ad declares “America decided” that CNN was the most trusted name in news, tweaking Fox’s “we report, you decide” slogan. (David Bauder, Associated Press)
Google News Archive
21 April 2003, Wilmington (NC) Morning Star, “Tyrants can intimidate reporters” by Jeff Jacoby, pg. 8A, col. 5:
It is scandalous that a network calling itself “the most trusted name in news” would sanitize the truth about a dictatorship it claimed to be covering objectively.
Straight Dope Message Board 
The Worst Advertising Slogan Ever
04-11-2003, 07:48 PM
CNN: the Most Trusted Name in News
Google Books
The New Blue Media:
How Michael Moore, MoveOn.org, Jon Stewart and Company Are Transforming Progressive Politics

By Theodore Hamm
New York, NY: The New Press
Pg. 159:
In August 2004, a Comedy Central billboard across from Madison Square Garden, site of the Republican National Convention, called The Daily Show “the most trusted name in fake news.” (A Fox News billboard hung beside it.)
by JOHN NOLTE 31 Jan 2014
Fox News once again found itself at the very top of Public Policy Polling’s annual survey of the most trusted news networks in America. A whopping 35% of those polled trust Fox News more than any other television news outlet. Fox even embarrassed second place. PBS earned that spot with only 14%.
When asked about trusting or not trusting individual networks. Fox News came in second to PBS with 44/42. CNN stayed even at 40/40—proving once again that the “Most Trusted Name In News” is not.