“The market is always here” (Wall Street phrase)

“The market is always here” is a Wall Street phrase that dates back to at least 1891; it was possibly coined by financier Russell Sage (1816-1906). The phrase means that, in good times or in bad times, “the market is always here” for things to be reversed or corrected.
The once-popular phrase is not used today.
Wikipedia: Russell Sage
Russell Sage (4 August 1816 - 22 July 1906) was a financier and politician from New York, United States.
5 February 1891, Wall Street Daily News, “Uncle Russell Stands By His Guns,” pg. 2:
Mr. Russell Sage said to our reporter yesterday, as he was leaving his office to attend the meeting of the Western Union Telegraph Company:
“The market is acting in precisely the manner that I thought and said it would last week. However it will not do to rush matters, and one cannot be too careful in times like these about spreading encouraging reports, and holding out promises that may not be fulfilled. The present is a good time for people to go slow. Those who have not yet made purchases should wait until the clouds that overhang the situation are lifted. A good thing to remember in times like these is, that the market is always here, and no matter how confident the talk on stocks may be, they are not going to climb out of the street right away. ... “
24 April 1891, Wall Street Daily News, pg. 1:
THERE is no necessity to climb for stocks. The market is always here, and the supply is ample.
Making of America
March 1905, Harper’s Monthly Magazine, pg. 608:
“The market is always here, and we’ll make it up in some way.”
7 August 1919, Washington (DC) Post, pg. 10, col. 1:
Should the market run away, notwithstanding, only prospective profits would be lost Besides the market is always here, and new opportunities to get in at the right time are always occurring.
26 June 1921, Philadelphia (PA) Inquirer, pg. 17:
The market is always here and the lower stocks go, the easier they are to handle and the less money it takes.
Google Books
Commonsense Speculation
By Harris Joseph Nelson
New York, NY: Barron’s, the national financial weekly
Pg. 99:
To the myriads to whom parting with a favorite stock is akin to divorce it is well to point out the hackneyed statement that “the market is always here.”