“The ‘mac’ in mac and cheese is also an acronym for ‘mac and cheese’”

“Mac” stands for “macaroni.” “MAC” is also an acronym for “mac and cheese.”
“I suppose MAC could also be a recursive acronym for MAC And Cheese. But that’s just weird” was posted on Twitter on December 11, 2007. “The acronym for mac and cheese is MAC. #revelation” was posted on Twitter on April 11, 2011. “Mac is short for macaroni and an acronym for Mac and Cheese!!!!! #mindblown” was posted on Twitter on October 5, 2012.
“‘Mac’ is an acronym for ‘Mac and cheese’” was posted on Reddit—Shower Thoughts on October 5, 2013. “The ‘mac’ in mac and cheese is also an acronym for ‘mac and cheese’” was posted on Reddit—Shower Thoughts on October 6, 2014.
Wikipedia: Macaroni and cheese
Macaroni and cheese—also called mac and cheese in American, Canadian, and macaroni pie in Caribbean English; and macaroni cheese in the United Kingdom—is a dish of English origin, consisting of cooked macaroni pasta and a cheese sauce, most commonly cheddar. It can also incorporate other ingredients, such as breadcrumbs, meat and vegetables.
James Williams‏
I suppose MAC could also be a recursive acronym for MAC And Cheese. But that’s just weird.
9:18 AM - 11 Dec 2007
Eric Stump‏
The acronym for mac and cheese is MAC. #revelation
4:49 PM - 11 Apr 2011
freaky callback boy‏
Mac is short for macaroni and an acronym for Mac and Cheese!!!!! #mindblown
8:58 PM - 5 Oct 2012
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
“Mac” is an acronym for “Mac and cheese”
submitted October 5, 2013 by peatymasta
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
The “mac” in mac and cheese is also an acronym for “mac and cheese”
submitted October 6, 2014 by alecsteven6
a macronym, if you will
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
The Word “Mac” in mac and cheese is also an acronym for “Mac and cheese”
submitted November 25, 2014 by Briand2714
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
The “Mac” in Mac and cheese is also an acronym for “Mac And Cheese”
submitted March 20, 2015 by THATS_A_NICE_B0ULDER
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
“mac” is an effective acronym for “mac and cheese”
submitted August 12, 2015 by Notmiefault
Learned today: The ‘MAC’ in Mac And Cheese is also the acronym for ‘Mac And Cheese’ and it, like, blew my mind. Gotta cut down on drugs…
10:47 AM - 16 Mar 2016
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
The “mac” in mac and cheese is also an acronym for “mac and cheese”
submitted February 8, 2017 by Joker-78
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
The “mac” in Mac and Cheese is an acronym for Mac and Cheese
submitted February 13, 2018 by HanzoShotFirst