“The life of a snail is taken with a pinch of salt”

The expression “take it with a grain/pinch of salt” means to not take it with great importance. However, salt melts snails, so it’s important to them. A one-line saying is:
“The life of a snail is taken with a pinch of salt.”
The saying was first posted on Twitter on March 23, 2011. Salt is often using in preparing escargot to eat, but a different chemical process is involved (as explained in ScienceBlogs, below),
How does salt melt snails?
Posted by Janet D. Stemwedel on May 11, 2009
In light of our recent snail eradication project:
Why does salt “melt” snails and slugs? (And how do people manage to prepare escargot without ending up with a big pot of goo?)
So, how on earth can you cook these critters — including seasoning to taste with salt — without ending up with a big puddle of slime?
Cooking involves raising the temperature of the snails and their cells enough to denature the proteins in the snails. This increased temperature also changes the cell membranes — after the cooking, the membranes are no longer semipermeable, but rather allow diffusion of water and solute in both directions. This (plus the denaturing of the proteins inside the snail cells) helps keep the snail insides in, rather than drawing all the water out and deflating the snail that was holding the water.
Salt on snail? It works
Uploaded on Mar 7, 2011
No snails were harmed while making this video.
† CKY †
The life of a snail is taken with a pinch of salt.
3:14 PM - 23 Mar 2011
The life of a snail is taken with a pinch of salt.! (Shame)
3:35 PM - 23 Mar 2011
The life of a snail is taken with a pinch of salt.
3:49 PM - 23 Mar 2011
Google Books
5,000 Great One Liners
Compiled by Grant Tucker
London: Biteback Publishing
Pg. ?:
The life of a snail is taken with a pinch of salt.
What happens when you pour salt on a snail.
Ryan Stewman
Published on May 21, 2013
I’ve always wondered what happens if you pour salt on a snail. I’ve got a ton of snails in my yard, so today I did a little science experiment. via YouTube Capture
The life of a snail is taken with a pinch of salt.
1:03 PM - 8 Dec 2016