“The first time I saw a universal remote control I thought, ‘This changes everything’”

A popular joke about a tv remote is:
“I remember the first time I saw a universal remote control, and I thought to myself, ‘Well, this changes everything.’”
“A universal remote? THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING!” was cited on Twitter on July 7, 2011. The full one-liner was cited on Twitter on November 15, 2013. The joke has been printed on several images and an ecard.
Another joke about a remote is: “My friend told me a joke about a TV controller. It wasn’t remotely funny.”
Some Idiot
A universal remote?
1:49 PM - 7 Jul 2011
Stu Many Cooks
@micflan @forbairt my Universal remote changes everything…
4:04 AM - 7 Dec 2011
Dublin City, Ireland
John Bunyan
Got a new universal remote.  This changes everything!
9:17 AM - 9 Dec 2012
Dan Ahern
“This changes everything.”
- guy who invented the universal remote
6:34 PM - 12 May 2013
Funny Jokes
I remember the first time I saw a universal remote control… I thought to myself “Well, this changes everything”
3:50 PM - 15 Nov 2013
Greg Clayman
I remember the first time I saw a universal remote control.
I thought, “Well this changes everything.”
#gregjokes #longtimenopun #friday
4:30 PM - 15 Nov 2013
Dad Jokes
April 11, 2014 ·
I remember the first time I saw a universal remote control, and I thought to myself. “Well this changes everything”
(thanks Philip)
21 Best One-Liner Jokes. #15 Is Just Evil.
October 16, 2015
11. The first time I got a universal remote control, I thought to myself “This changes everything.”
I remember the first time I saw a universal remote control… I thought to myself (self.Jokes)
submitted January 13, 2015 by jecaero
Well, this changes everything